Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Caden's birthday party was perfect; he got so many new toys as gifts, I wasn't sure where we were going to put them all! It was a far cry from his past birthday parties, where I had to struggle financially to buy just one big gift for him. Randy's co-workers were very generous and thoughtful with their gifts. Caden loved them all. His favorite gift was from Mike—a new box of Army guys! Lucky little guy.

Five o'clock finally rolled around and everyone finally started packing up to head home. It had been a long day, a really fun day, but still a really long day. Randy was helping Caden put all his new toys away in his bedroom while I tidied up in the kitchen and finally got a chance to sit down at the kitchen table and pull out my textbooks. I only had a few weeks left in this semester and it felt like I was letting my schoolwork slide. I knew it was because I had been so preoccupied with Randy and Caden, making sure that our little family was getting along just fine. And we were. Everything was perfect; it seriously felt like a fairytale some days.

I was moving onto a chapter about mass torts when Randy came out of Caden's bedroom and sat down next to me at the kitchen table. He was smiling at me, which made me want to return the smile. "Hey," I said softly as I closed my book.

"Hey," he said back. "Caden is worn out. Poor little guy actually asked me if it was time for bed yet! Can you believe that?" he said as he leaned over and kissed me softly on the cheek. I blushed.

"I know, he's exhausted. It's only 7:00, do you think we should let him go to bed? I'm afraid that he'll get up early tomorrow if we put him down now," I said as I glanced at the wall clock.

Randy nodded and we headed down the hallway to Caden's room. I found myself smiling as I saw my son sleeping peacefully on the floor next to his bed, surrounded by the new Army guys that Mike had gotten him for his birthday. I watched as Randy tip toed into his room and gently picked Caden up and laid him on his little bed. He took off his sneakers and covered him up with his Buzz Lightyear blanket, kissed him softly on the forehead and tip toed back towards me. I turned on the night light and softly closed his bedroom door, leaving it open just a crack.

We headed into the living room and got settled on the couch to watch television. I'm not even sure what show was on right now, because I couldn't concentrate on what was on the screen. I couldn't concentrate because someone was blowing very gently in my ear and his hands were wandering from my knee up to my thigh.

Randy's POV

We were sitting on the couch together, trying to watch some show on TV. I knew for a fact that she wasn't paying any attention to the show at all. She was more interested in what my hand was doing on her knee, slowly making its way up her leg. I was nervous. Everything had been happening so fast lately. A few months ago, we ran into each other for the first time in four years and she tells me that we have a kid together. I had missed her so much, I thought about contacting her over the years that we had been apart, but it never seemed like the right time with my career taking off like it did. Sara didn't know this, but I was really close to asking her to marry me before we had that last huge fight and she took off on me. I know, I know, I told her that I didn't want to settle down and that I didn't want kids. But she was the only woman that I had ever thought about settling down with. I wanted to spend my life with her, but I had wanted to take our time. I never got that opportunity because she got tired of waiting around me, so she left.

I've changed a lot since she had left me; I'm more mature, I'm ready for responsibility now. I hope Sara can see that in how I interact with our son. I love that little guy; he is truly the best thing to ever happen to me. I know Sara and I hadn't been back together for very long, and I had no idea how she was going to react when I did this, but I had to know if she felt the same way about me and if the happy little family that we've discovered is going to be forever.

I had a hundred dollar ring in my hand

So weak and tired i could barely stand

From bein' up all night praying she'd say yes

So with a hopeful heart i hit one knee

"Sara, I want to ask you something..." I trailed off as I got off the couch and knelt in front of her. I wish I had a camera right now to capture the shocked look on her face when I got down in front of her and pulled a little blue box out of my pocket. I could see the tears starting to spring up in her eyes. I could tell that she was not expecting this. I hoped she said yes, I hoped she didn't say it was too soon or that we were rushing things. I just prayed that she said yes. "Sara, I love you, I never stopped loving you...I don't want to be without you anymore. I love you and I can't even begin to imagine my life without you and Caden in it anymore. Sara, will you marry me?" I managed to get the words out quickly without too much stuttering.

With a tear in her eye she looked at me

It was the moment of truth, i was scared to death.

My life hung on what that tear meant

Then she smiled at me, and I lost it...

What was wrong? Why wasn't she saying anything? She's going to say no, isn't she? Damn it. But then she must have regained her composure because a big smile broke out on her face, "Yes, Randy, yes I'll marry you!" she said as she threw her arms around my neck and pulled me closer to her. I closed my eyes and let out the breath that I had been holding when she wasn't saying anything.

I pulled away from her and slid the diamond ring onto her left hand. It fit perfectly. "I know you're going to think that I'm a big pussy for saying this, Sara, but I can't live my life without you. I never wanted you to leave me in the first place, even though I understand why you did. I'm just thankful that somehow, some way we made our way back to each other. I love you..." I leaned into kiss her firmly on the mouth and felt my heart start to beat faster as she returned the kiss. I think it's safe to say that we're going to be all right...

No one can make me cry, make me laugh

Make me smile or drive me mad, like she does

It's like a curse that is the cure

Better or worse, one thing's for sure

It's real love

And i don't know what I'd do if i lost it

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