Chapter 2

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Okay, this is the big day. The day I finally leave everything behind.

I pack up the last of my things into a little box and take one lat look at my room. Or what used to be my room. I walk down the hall and down the stairs one last time. I go around my house just thinking about all of the memories I have there.

It's sad to leave a place where you have been living in for so long. Some people make it look really easy but it's hard. It's basically like starting a new life somewhere. I have to start my life over completely.

I put my box into the moving van and go over to my mom who is standing up against our car.

She looks down at me and kisses the top of my head, "Are you ready sweety?"

I sigh and giver her a nod, "Ready as I will ever be."

We get into the car and wait for my dad to get in. He gets in and starts the car, "Ready?" He asks.

"Yeah." My mom and I both say together.

This is going to be a long 2860 miles.

* * *

For most of the trip I mainly listen to music until my phone dies then I try and read a book. I usually get car sick when I read but it wasn't that bad this time.

My parents didn't really talk much to me the whole time we were in the car, but that;s okay because I didn't really want to be bothered.

We were stopping in Bismarck, North Dakota. Wow... how exciting.

When we wake up in the morning we get right back on the road again. I brought along some movies to watch on my laptop, I started with Titanic. my absolute favorite movie.

That'll keep me occupied for like 3 hours.

My parents decide to stop again because they are tired of driving. Now they are probably regretting their decision to drive and not take a plane.

We stop in Chicago and it is absolutely amazing here. It's just like any other city but just like really nice. I can't really explain it.

We stay in a really nice hotel overlooking some water. I step out onto our room terrace and decide to Facetime Josh.

I call him up and it just keeps ringing and ringing, no answer. Wow that's weird he always answers my calls. Maybe he is busy with homework or something.

Then I decide to FaceTime Kelsey. It only rings twice and it says she is not available for

chatting. She totally just ignored me. What great friends I have.

I just sit out and enjoy the view of the moon and the water. This is probably my favorite part of the trip so far.

I'm getting tired so I change into my bummy clothes and get into bed.

When I wake up my parents are already up and dressed.

"Okay Aubrey", My mom says, "We want to be on the road my 9 so hurry up."

I look at the clock and it's 8:54. "Wow thanks for giving me time to get ready mom."

"Don't be sassy with me young lady, you are responsible for waking yourself up. You're not a baby anymore."

I hop out of bed and put my shoes on. I don't bother changing because we're not going to go anywhere so it doesn't matter what I look like.

Only 793 more miles to go.

* * *

After what finally seemed like forever we pulled into East 32nd street where there a bunch of tall apartment buildings. They don't look at all what I expected them to look like. They are all connected and their are ugly fire escapes zig zagging on the front of the building. But our particular apartment has several huge glass windows. The outside is in a cream color and it has little trees growing in the front of it. Not actual little trees but the ones you see in the city.

There are some people that look my age walking around with books in their hands. All I hear is honking and it smells kind of gross.

We leave our things in the car so we can check out the apartment. We walk in and there are stairs going upstairs to the right and th the left is a big room with a chandelier. Going farther into the house there is a kitchen with silver applianced. This place was definitely new. We had a porch but there wasn't really much of a backyard.

I decide to check upstairs at the rooms. The I go into has a hardwood floor with 2 huge windows to the right of it. There is a sliding mirror closet. The room is painted white. The view from out the window is blocked by the fire escape. There is a box in the middle of the floor that says Aubrey's room.

So I guess this is my room. It's not really as exciting as I thought it was going to be.

I check out the rest of the upstairs. The bathroom has a huge shower with glass doors. There is no bathtub which makes me upset because bathing is my life. My parents room is like 5x the size of mine. When you walk in there are two sets of windows on the walls facing out. It is probably the brightest room in the entire house. They also have a sliding closet. But they have another closet which is a walk in closet and it is practically the size of my room.


So unfair.

I go back downstairs and bring in some boxes up to my room. I probably make about 20 trips to the moving van to get my things. I don't even remember packing all of this stuff.

By the time I get about half my room set up it's 9:00. We didn't even eat all day.

I go and find my parents to see if they wanted to order some food but they were both fast asleep on the couch with things in their hands.

I guess I'm on my own for ordering food. I pull out my phone and look up 24 hour chinese food restaurants in Manhattan. About 9 results.

I call the closest one availab and order chicken and broccoli. That's been my favorite for about as long as I can remember.

When the food gets here I pay for it and eat it on the island that is in the middle of my huge kitchen. It's really good. I am going to have to save the number in my phone for next time.

I decide to leave my parents where they are. They just look so cute all snuggled up together without a care in the world.

I wish my life was like that.

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