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[Gold's POV]

It's been three days after me and Silver decided to start 'dating.' We watch movies together, battle training, talk about our day. Well mostly me. Date stuff, but Silver is really bad at it.

When I act lovey dovey, he becomes shy and punches me. I think that's what you call a "tsundere." Pfft! Silver would be pissed if I told him that.

Although, it isn't that bad being his fake boyfriend. Eventually his plan will fall to place and he'll be free from his dad's strict policy.

I sat against the couch thinking about Silver's plan and jumped when my phone started ringing.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hey, it's Silver"

My heart leaped out from shock. Silver is calling me... ?

I replied "Yo, Silv! What's up?" I asked him.

Silver grumbled "I think we should move forward of our plan and expose our 'relationship' to Giovanni..." he announced.

I replied "Oh, really!? What if your father doesn't approve of our 'love'? Silv, what can we do?" I acted a but dramatic with some sarcasm.

Then I realized what he said to me "Wait, are you serious? Dude, we've only been dating for three days. Aren't you being too impatient?" the fact that he wants to expose it now sounds too risky.

Silver didn't seem amused "I already set up everything, no need to worry" he explained. Silver sighed "I'll meet up with you near the Café, you know the one... Later..." he said.

"W-Wait!" I shouted.

Silver paused "What now?" he asked.

I decided to play around with Silver, he can be easy to tease at times. I slowly whispered on the phone "I love you, cutie~" I said, giving him a small kiss.

I heard Silver fall from his chair "Quit saying that!! You idiot!" he stuttered.

I laughed "What? Can't I at least play my part?" I smiled from Silver's nervous breakdown. Wow, I was only joking. He really is a tsundere.

Silver yelled "You're enjoying this, aren't you!?" he said.

"A little bit~" I love teasing him, it's almost as fun as defeating him in battle.

Silver sighs "Meet me at the cafe later, you know the one. Bye." Before I could reply, he immediately hanged up.

"What now?" I decided to do exactly as Silver said and meet up with him at the Café he mentioned earlier. A moment passed as I waited patently and there appeared Silver.

"Hey, Silv!" I smiled. Silver replied with "Follow me" he said. I wonder why Silver wanted to meet here if we were already going somewhere else.

"Follow me." Silver said and walked ahead. What's he planning?

Still, I continued to follow Silver and ten minutes passed as we walked down the path. I wonder if we're lost?

"Sooo... Where are we off to?" I asked.

Silver turned to me with a serious face "Where else? We're going to see Giovanni." he said. Wow. He wasn't kidding when he said it was time to expose our relationship to his dad. I didn't expect Silver to be ready for that yet. I don't think I'm ready yet.

I nervously said "Can't we do this another time?" I asked, hoping he'd consider it. But, of course he didn't.

"No time." Silver bluntly answered.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2019 ⏰

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