And Here I am, Alive at Last: a Silent Bob One Shot

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"You don't talk much do you?" She asked with a smile on her face. "You haven't said more than two words the whole time we've been stuck here." I smiled. "I really only talk when some moron is in trouble and needs a voice of reason. You seem to have yourself put together." I said smiling at her. She was the single most beautiful woman I had ever seen, and I had the fortune of being stuck in an elevator with her. "That doesn't mean I don't need a voice of reason, you know." She said winking at me, causing my heart to skip a beat. She was all I needed to get my mind off Amy for good. I need this girl in my life and I'll do whatever it takes.

As I slid into the booth across from my friend, my loudmouth best friend, Jay shoved me as he sat down beside me.

"So, what's going on in the world of Jay and Bob? Business okay, boys?" Holden asked somewhat sarcastically, lighting a cigarette. He has a moderate distaste for Jay. "Me and tons o' fun over here haven't sold much of anything in the past few weeks, because this tubby bitch has been missing during the day." Jay said stabbing me in the arm with his slender finger. I rolled my eyes and lit up a cigarette myself.

"Oh?" Holden raised an eyebrow at me. "And where have you been? Finally had enough of this walking calamity?" He asked nodding toward Jay, who was attempting to hit on some girls at the table next to ours. Utterly disgusted by him, they got up and left. "See ya, sluts!" He smiled and waved at them.

I again, rolled my eyes and turned back to Holden.

"He could never get sick of me. This bitch loves me." Jay said, putting me in a headlock. I shoved him away as I gasped for air. I'm pretty sure he hasn't showered in at least two days.

"Where have you been, Silent Boob?" Jay asked, turning to me.

I raised my shoulders. "Around." I said picking up my menu and scanning the items on it. Pancakes. With strawberries.

"'Around.' Would you get a load of this fat fuck? Being all cryptic and shit. Where the fuck have you been? It's a simple question, fuck." Jay said, exasperated.

"Fuckin' around, okay? Let it go." I said, putting out the last of my cigarette and biting my nail.

"Whatever. I gotta piss." Jay stood up and went to the bathroom.

Holden took this as his opportunity to talk without being interrupted.

"Where have you really been?" He asked, putting out his cigarette. 

I looked at him and smiled. "You met a girl!" Holden looked astounded. I like Holden. I never really have to say too much to him. We come from severely different backgrounds, but we have quite a bit in common.

I nodded. "What's she like? Where'd you meet her? Does she talk?" He asked, making me chuckle. Shaking my head, I answwered him. "I met her in the elevator of Jay and I's apartment complex. The elevator broke down, and it was just she and I. We met, we talked (she talked, I nodded) and we began to see each other." I smiled again.

"You like her, don't you?" Holden asked looking over his menu.

"I'm crazy about her." I said, staring out the window next to us.

"Crazy about who?" Jay shoved me again as he sat down. Shoving him back, I shook my head.

"Oh what, too good to talk to me, but you'll talk to this fuck over here?" He asked, thrusting his hand toward Holden.

"Calm down, skeez bag. He can talk to whomever he wishes." Holden said putting his menu down.

"Listen to you, acting like you're so much better than me. Listen up, cock-knocker, he's my best friend. Go butt fuck your buddy, what's his face, Bankin." Jay said staring at Holden. "Banky, and we aren't really friends anymore." Holden said, looking away sadly. "Because of that shit with Fingercuffs?" Jay asked.

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2014 ⏰

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