Book 1, Chapter 4: GrandMaster

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Part 1
While crying, Kurami kept scolding out idiot and stupid. 'I will never admit it! I will absolutely
expose you all—!'

Even up till the end when Kurami left, she kept kicking up a fuss.
"Aiyah aiyah.........what is the meaning of a human evaluating another human eh........." After
Sora said these troubled words, the city was once again filled with applause.

—Very fastidious about this victory.
Without any doubts, this victory had clearly showed that mankind still had a sliver of chance.

With the hall completely bundled with the deafening cheers, an old official walked towards Sora,
holding onto a crown.

"Then, Sora-sama is it?" "Yup."
"So you will be the one to ascend to the throne as the new king of Elchea, right?"

"Can't do."

Hugging his little sister, he said while laughing.

"The two of us are 『 』 — so the king belongs to us." These were also the words he said during the chess duel.

With those words, the audience started an even higher-pitched applause— for congratulating the
new king and queen.


"—It's a pity, but that can't be done."


Hearing those words from the official, the cheers of the crowd halted. "Ah? Eh, why?"

"The Ten Oaths stated that they can only elect a 『 Sole representative』 . So two people cannot
assume the post." In the midst of the chattering hall, Sora and Shiro exchange glances.

Entering into a deep thought with a perturbed expression, Sora scratched his head and furrowed
his brow............before saying.

"............Ah, that, so be it, I'll be the one to be the representative, will that work?" ".............Guu."

Gently releasing his little sister who was muttering, Sora faced the official.
"Then once again I'll announce—*cough cough*, from now, Sora-sama will be the 255th
generation king of Elchea— any objections please stand up, otherwise remain silent—"

—But, unable to maintain that silence, someone raised up a hand and interrupted the sentence.

A white-haired Shiro.

With her pair of ruby red eyes barely visible underneath her bangs, it was the girl— who exactly
said that, "Eh? Shiro?"
".......I have, an objection."
"Gu, that, little sister, what are you doing?"

"........If, Nii, becomes king........Nii will build, harem." "———————————Ah?"

Unable to believe what he had just heard, Sora could not help but ask, but Shiro with an
expression as if she was going to cry out said out.

".........That way........Shiro.........wouldn't be..........needed anymore."

Completely ignoring the stares from the stunned audience, Sora went into a state of embarrassment he had never experienced before.

"Wait! Just, wait a moment, how is that possible! Aren't the both of us a team!
In the final conclusion, I'm just a king by name, I don't want Shiro to do this kind of—"

"........But, the King is......Nii.........Shiro is accessory. If, if there can only be one
person..............the one to do it—"

Wiping away the tears, light was no longer reflected from her eyes. " be the King— is

The little sister who always felt weak, had clearly emitted an aura as if declaring for war.
Facing Shiro who was intently staring at Sora, while announcing out her intentions— "—Ah?"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2017 ⏰

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