Untitled Part 5

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GM: My heart is completely shattered, and I guess I have no one to blame but myself.

AS: Wht r u tlkin bout?

GM: Can you text normally please? And he broke up with me, he said he just didn't feel it anymore because of the distance.

AS: Are you ok?

GM: No I trusted him with my heart he promised not to hurt me. I trusted him with my love and he crushed it and threw it away after 4 months

AS: Ok. Well I'm going on a road trip ok you want anything from my trip?

GM: No and please don't hurt him. It isn't his fault. I'm ugly and stupid and fat it was just a matter before he broke up with me.

AS: No you're not you're beautiful and smart and you aren't fat you are far from it.

GM: A I weigh 130 pounds. I'm fat

AS: No G you aren't that's healthy for you

GM: I still can't believe I trusted him though.

AS: That was sorta a mistake since you knew he was a player and all

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