Eddie's Bully

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(Eddie's P.O.V.)

I dreaded biking to school. For one, it was raining, and I didn't want to catch a cold, and two, I had to put up with my bully. Don't worry, you'll meet him soon, as well as my friends. I turn the corner and Derry middle school comes into my view. I sigh and I pull into the lot. I hop off my bike and bring it to the bike rack, locking it with my, well, lock. What else would I use? Adjusting my backpack, I walk into school. I hang my head low in hopes my bully- actually I should probably say bullies, don't see me. Luckily they don't, not right now anyways. It get's stressful, walking into school everyday hoping certain people won't see you. Not wanting to be beaten and harassed by the other boys for being so small and weak. Going home to an abusive mother. Oh yeah and to top all it off, the bullies beat you, weather you like it or not, hell, if you didn't have body guards or friends, they'd kill  you! That's what they almost did to me. Luckily, my old friends, Bill and Stan stepped back into my life at the best moment. They fought with the bullies and all I could do was watch. Being as weak as me, is another word for being a loser, and a little shit. 

"Eddie!" I hear someone call my name, and I look up to see Bill and Stan waving at me. Lucky for us, our lockers are right in a row. I smile at them- it's fake mind you- and wave at them. They fall for my smile and beckon me over.

"Hey you two!" I say walking over to them. They sense somethings up with me and exchange confused looks with each other, and then look at me. I raise an eyebrow as if to say, 'What?' 

" Your acting s-s-strange." Bill says to me with concern clear in his voice.

"No I'm not." I reply blankly, my 'smile' changing to a look of confusion. Stan glares at me, making me flinch, but I blink again, and he's only eyeing me, attempting to read my expression as if it were a book. This annoys me.

"Stan I'm not a book, stop trying to read me." I say. Stan blinks and doesn't answer.

Suddenly I hear boys' laughter next to us. I freeze and look over to see Henry and his goons, only one group of bullies that bully me.

"What's up losers?" He sneers. I roll my eyes, attempting to look more brave than I felt. On the inside I felt like a mouse looking at a cat who was licking it's chops, drool spilling from it's mouth at the sight of me. Ew. Billy goes in front of me, Stan continues to stand next to me, but holds a protective look on his face.

"G-Go away H-h-Henry." Bill stutters. 

"G-go away H-H-Henry!" Henry mocks his stutter, pissing me off, but I know if I do a single thing, he'll try to hurt me, or my friends. He and his goons laugh and to our surprise, walks off. That, however, was not the only group of bullies. Right after they left, another group walked up to us- well more me, but anyhow. This was my least favorite group, as it's leader, was one of the snarkiest, most crude kids in the school.

"Hey Eddie, glad to see us?"

I shoot daggers at the tall boy. Anger slowly filling me up like air fills a balloon.

"What do you want?" Stan asks. The boy looks over at Stan, and laughs.

"Nothing from you. I just wanna talk to my buddy. Ed-eds!" 

I cringe at the nickname he gives me, but it also makes my heart sink, knowing my dad used to call me that. My dad died 7 years ago if you didn't know. I feel hot tears well up in my eyes, but I won't let them fall in front of the bullies.

"C'mon Eds, follow me." He says leading me out the back door. Once it closes, one of his goons shoves me against a tree, winding me. I grab my inhaler out of my fanny-pack and take a breath of the medicine. The goon laughs. I feel someone punch me, and I feel blood dribbling down my nose. Beverly didn't break my nose, only punched it hard enough to make it bleed. I wipe the blood from my nose as tears start to fall down my face. I receive a second blow to my stomach and I groan in pain, sinking to the ground. Mike snickered as he and Beverly turned and left, calling the leader to follow. He shakes his head and says, 

"I'll be right there, go on without me!" I look at him, was he planning on killing me? Why hadn't he hit me yet? He usually hits me first, and hardest. He also usually slaps my inhaler away from me the moment I take it out. He doesn't make eye contact with me. He doesn't look angered, or pissed, nor does he seem somewhat happy to be able to beat me in private. I look around and see my bike. I make a run for it.

"No Eddie, wait! I'm sorry!" He runs after me, I halt in my tracks.

He just said sorry to me?! This kid never says sorry to anyone, not even as a joke.

"Did you just... say sorry to me...?" I slowly turn to face him. He only nods, rubbing his neck in embarrassment.

"Why..?" I question, almost worried.

"I don't like bullying you... Beverly and Mike used to be really nice, I did too.. then they started becoming meaner and meaner, and I loved them-as, best friends anyways,- and so I just did the same thing, not wanting to be alone..." His voice cracks at the end, a tear slipping down his cheek.

"You sure seem to enjoy it.." I reply, looking away from this cute boy- wait what?!  

"That joy is as fake as your smile was this morning." He states blankly, as I gasp slightly.

"Y-you could tell...?" I questioned sheepishly. He nods.

"I saw when you walked into school, how you looked dreadful and downright depressed. As if you were trying to hide from the world around you.. and then when you were greeted by your friends and you smiled at them, it was obvious- to me at least- how fake it was..!" He replies.

"Oh." Was all I said. He walks closer to me.

" W-what are you doing..?" I blush a little, his face is not even 5 inches from my own.

"Whatdaya think Eds?" He blushes lightly and I avert my eyes.

"Don't call me that.." I say quietly, wanting to back up, but also not.

"That's not answering my questions Eddie Spaghetti." I blush a little more.

Jesus Christ he's just giving me nicknames and I'm blushing? What the hell! And this is so unsanitary, it makes me wanna puke. 

 I think to myself, I won't puke though. Uh-Uh no way in hell was I going to puke right now. The boy is leaning in closer as he suddenly grabs my shirt and lifts me in the air. I squeak and shut my eyes tight, bracing for impact.


"I-I'm not! I can't control other people's thoughts or f-feelings!!" I stutter defensively. His face turns from angry to sympathetic in a heartbeat. Jeez, is he Bipolar or something??  I find myself thinking. He then lowers me, but doesn't let go of my shirt collar. 

"C-can you let my shirt g-!!" I was cut off by soft lips being pressed against mine. I blushed deeply, and after a few seconds kissed back. I know it sounds weird, to have been crushing on my bully.. but I have been. For about two years now..? I lost track, no, I stopped keeping track. He breaks the kiss and looks at me, and the blush is visible on his face. I can smell his breath, it smells of bubblegum and soda.

"Wha...?" I was confused, why had my bully just suddenly become affectionate and... loving? (not to mention hot as fuck) He looked in my eyes, and I looked back at his. They were a beautiful brown, plus glasses? Jesus fucking Christ he was hot! 

"Your cute, you know that?" He suddenly says to me.

"W-what? No I'm n-not!" I stammered. He laughed. 

"Like hell you aren't. Your as cute as my wang is long." He says, great, back to classic him. I shove him.

"Eww! What the hell dude that's fucked up." We both laugh. It falls silent between us for a minute or two.

"So... Eds.. wanna be my boyfriend?" He asked me. I blush a little more- after my blush had finally died down of course.

"Y-yeah." I say.

So.. I guess this means I'm gay, huh? I've never even had a significant other before now. I couldn't believe it though. A victim dating his bully? A loser dating...

Dating Richie Tozier??

I loser-love you // Richie X EddieDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora