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Your eyes.

little droplets of rain

fall upon the Earth's crust

and shatter like glass.


unlike the rest of those

brainwashed monkeys

pick up the shattered pieces

of hope

and regret,

and prick my little finger.

A red liquid falls upon

the clear beauty,

and it is certain...

As the blood rolls off my finger

and onto the green mat

laid out for the both of us...

I think about the fire

raging inside the wound,

and wonder...

Is this the kind of raging flame,

you were describing?

Is this the sun...

you lost your battle to?

I lay down and look at the blue ocean

up above.

The reds,



and orange battlefields

seem to end in a calm,

still lake.

Full of white fish...

and the love we lost

due to disease.

I stay until the darkness,

takes over.

The little lights come out

to shine,

and I see...

for just a millisecond... 

I once more

see you're beautiful

green eyes,

and those little specks of light.


I loved you.

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