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It was supposed to be a normal breakfast, but nope. His sister just had to ruin it.

When 14 year old, Jimin Song, got his first Howler, the first thing that went through the Ravenclaws mind was 'what did I do?' Thinking about the past few days, he realized that he did nothing wrong,

Confused, he remembered what his friends had told him about Howlers. Not wanting to cause an explosion, he mentally counted to three and opened the Howler.

Hearing his younger sister shout about High School Musical was the last thing he would expect. Of course, with the both of them being avid fans of the movies, he was not surprised at the phrase.


Hearing the familiar words brought a smile to his face, but what happened next was easily the best thing ever.

All the muggleborn and a few of the half-bloods shouted back with "WILDCATS!" Quickly causing every muggleborn to laugh, with a few falling off of the bench.

Looking around bewildered, the rest of the students looked at their fellow classmates, teammates, and friends. Once all of the muggleborns calmed down, Dumbledore walked over to Jimin.

"What is wildcats?" Dumbledore asked him.

With an unexpected sense of calmness, Jimin explained to the Headmaster about High School Musical, with a few muggleborns inputting their own facts about the movies.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2023 ⏰

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