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books, plates, and anything around them went flying in the air. yelling and screaming overdriving it.

both people filled with tears and unhappiness

but with hatred.


her father, alcoholic.

her mother, dead.

her step-mother, cheated, disappeared.

and it's only the two left.

one day, finn came over to ruby's house. everything was going great. but, they heard yelling, and crying from downstairs. they peeled the door open a slight bit, slowly, to hear what the noise was from outside. ruby's dad, andy, was yelling and crashing beer bottles to the ground. her step-mother, teresa, was also yelling, but crying. trying to take the bottles away from him. ruby started to have a panic attack from the occurring events, and he was threatening to come upstairs, immediately, finn grabbed her and dragged her to the bathroom and locked the door, and they hid until he was gone.


after ditching, her dad came home from work. she jumped as he slammed the front door behind him.

'great, he's drinking!'

"before you make up excuses, you're grounded."

"what? w-why?!"

"you should have talked to me about ditching."

"so? i'm grounded for THAT."

"plus, i didn't ditch."

she lied

"i felt really sick today, so i stayed home."

"yeah sure."

"look, uh, you may not be happy about this-"

before he could continue,

her step-mother walked in the front door.


a/n SORRY IVE BEEN SO INACTIVE OH MY G O D . i decided to make it a flashback bc why not? it flowed well, also this book is kinda obviously unpopular but it has a lot of views-ish and i'm sorta proud of it, i've put a lot of time in this book and i really hope some people like it! anyways, i'm sorry for slow updates. i'll try to update when i can. the second quarter of the first semester just started so homework might be a problem but i have a few prewrited chapters i will be uploading soon. thank you xx

yours truly
- grace

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