Some More On Philophobia

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This will be fairly short but one thing that really hard for me about philophibia, is that I also struggle with other mental illnesses that make it harder to communicate the issues in my relationships. Most of my relationships after those three were two months tops. After that I would start to get scared again, but I would be too anxious to talk to my s/o about it, so I would break it off under a mental health call. I still feel awful for not having the guts to talk about it, but at the same time I just want to move forward and learn from the mistakes I've made in past relationships.
A few things you need to remember to make a relationship work:

COMMUNICATION! I cannot stress this enough- any type of relationship (romantic or not) is based on communication. A lack of communication leads to a strained relationship that is guaranteed to crumble unless you get comfortable with talking to your partner.

Pacing!! Make sure the relationship is progressing at a pace that is comfortable for both you and your partner.

Consent!!! Always ask before you do. If you randomly walk up and hug them after you were told you are free to hug them at any time, that's fine. But if you just walk up to them and smack their ass without knowing they'll be okay with it, that's a no.
Obviously there are more than just that, but those are the most important. Anyways !! I got off topic again so I'll end here :)

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