Chapter 1: More Loss

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    Here I am again, in the hospital. I am not sick or anything I am just here for my dad. I was here when I was 15 because my mom was in a car crash, and she died about a day later. Now my dad got shot on his way home from work. He has been in intensive care for 3 days and they haven't seen any progress. I can't be in his room so I stay in the waiting room and cafeteria. I mostly read and draw to pass time, but I also like to talk and meet other people.
      Today I think I am going to the cafeteria because this really nice old lady gave me 20 bucks. I walked in the big room and it was really busy. Usually there is plenty of space for me to sit alone, but today every table had a person at it. I looked around the room a little bit and in the back I saw a table with one person instead of 4 or 5. I made my way back and saw that is was a guy around my age.
      I moved over next to him and I tapped his shoulder. He set down the book he was reading and turned to me. "Hi can I sit here?" I asked trying to be polite.
      He looked around and turned back to me. "Well I don't see why not." He sounded slightly annoyed, but I just brushed it off and sat down.
      The table was round and could hold 5 people. I sat a chair down from the guy, but as soon as I looked back he was reading again. I noticed that he had green eyes and jet black hair. His hair was shaved on the sides but long on the top, and I think it's called an undercut. I don't know hair to well but a lot of people have it.
      "So what is your name? Mine is Erica." I wanted to start a conversation and to be honest I don't know why. I guess I just hate sitting in silence.
      The guy looked up at me and rolled his eyes. "Why do you need to know that?" He asked putting his book mark in his book and setting it down.
      I thought for a minute trying to come up with a reason, but honesty is the best I guess. "I don't know guess I just like to talk to people."
      He smirked and then sat back in his chair. "How about you come up with one. I really don't care what you call me."
      I looked at his book and saw it was a murder mystery, and then I knew what to call him. "I guess I will call you John. In some murder cases when they don't know who the person is they have to call them something. A popular name they will use is John Doe. I guess you can be a John Doe." I giggled at the end and the guy just smiled.
     "Well you seem know your stuff. I guess that you also like murder Mysteries." My giggles turned into laughter and I nodded. It is very true that I love a good mystery.
     Me and John talked for a good 10 minutes. We laughed quite a bit and he was really fun to hang out with. Then I felt a tap on my shoulder.
     I looked up to see a doctor and my heart sank. "Ms. Erica can you please come with me?" He asked me with a soft voice. I nodded and stood up.
     I turned to John and his smile was gone. "Thanks for the talk John." He nodded and I tuned to follow the doctor.
    We walked to the outside of my dad's room. The doctor turned to me and I took a deep breath. "I am sorry to say but there is nothing else we can do for your dad. Right now he is on life support, but he won't make it without the life support. We think you should just let him go. You, being 19, are old enough to sign the papers."
    I whish I didn't have to face this decision and I would just wake up from this horrible nightmare. I don't want my dad to suffer any more, so I have to sign the papers. "I will sign the papers, but can I have a little time with my dad?" The doctor nodded and opened the door.
    After a small goodbye and a lot of paper work the nurses were unhooking my dad from the life support. I watched his chest rise and fall one more time and then he was still. I started to cry, but then I got a hold of myself.
    I thanked the nurses and gathered up all my stuff. I walked out of the hospital and got in my car. I sat there for a few minutes, and then I just cried. I felt like everything just came out all at once. The pain from losing my mom at only 15, and then having to lose my father at 19! Now I don't even know what I am going to do for money. My dad had to work two jobs and me one to pay the bills. I can't work another job because the one I have I work six out of the seven days of the week. Then I work 12 hours a day and sometimes do over time.
     I stopped myself and just took a deep breath. I need to stop thinking about all the negatives and just get home. Luckily me and my dad just paid the bills so I have a month to get this all figured out. Time to show everyone that strong independent girl that my mom and dad knew.

   HELLLOOOO!!! I AM SO EXCITED TO WRITE THIS STORY. Now if you want to see more about me and my friends who also write stories go to PinkAvengerousPandas on Instagram. I hope you like this first chapter for now this is good day.      BYE!!!!!<3

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