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I exhaled softly as the chill nipped at me through my light sweater and frowned as I sipped my coffee slowly in the small café. I was working on my college entrance exams. I had put off college longer than I'd wanted to and was turning 26 in two months. I shoved myself away from the small table, frustrated with myself. I should've started thing two years ago, but I couldn't bear to be away from my mother. She had been so sick back then, she passed away a year ago and I decided it was time to get on with my life. Carefully I picked up my computer and shoved it in my small messenger bag and paced out of the café into the sticky heat of New Orleans. I had just moved here from New York and the weather is so much different. I wear a sun dress every day and I still get covered in sticky sweat by the end of the day. I Glanced at all the buildings surrounding me and closed my eyes, marveling at the way the sunlight felt on my flushed skin. I sighed and headed back to my small cramped apartment, deciding to stop and mail my essays on the way. It was a brief peaceful walk, everything was close here so it made not having a car a bit easier. Sometimes I missed It though, the crowded roads and taxi cabs clustered throughout New York. I'm still adjusting to my life in this new city, but I made a few friend's that have made it easier. I slipped through the door of the post office and turned to the clerk who had an extremely peculiar expression on her crinkled face. I asked her if she'd be so kind as to mail my essays for me and handed her the fee for the postage. She didn't say a word the whole time, just stared at me with that expression on her face the whole time. Strange, I thought as I pushed my way past the doors and into the heat again. I shook my head, still not used to the way this town worked. strolled down the block to my apartment building and found caution tape over the door with a small group of people standing nearby.

"Um excuse me." I said to the people clustered out front. "What's happening to my building?" The groups of people looked at me and made a strange face as if they couldn't figure out where I came from.

the Taller one closest to me cleared his throat. "Um miss I'm sorry but our boss just bought out the land for this complex and is having everyone evacuate to tear it down. No one is allowed to bring out belongings except for money."

"What?!" I screeched loud enough for several people across the street to turn to look at me. "What am I supposed to do? All my stuff is in there I don't have any money!" The men shifted awkwardly as a man in cool dark sunglasses strolled up beside me.

"Is there a problem here?" The smooth cool voice cut in from the man at my side. He was impeccably dressed, he must be the boss they were talking about.

"Yes there's a problem! My stuff is all in there, I cant afford to move or get new stuff! I was barely scraping by as it is!" I turned my full attention to him and he studied me carefully.

"Most of the other tenants are staying with family member until the renovation is done for the new complex." I had to tilt my head to look at him which made me angry. He was purposely trying to make me feel like a child.

"My family is dead." I stated, deadpan. "I have nowhere else to go. At least let me get a few of my things. Please." I said softly, my voice cracked on the last word and showed my utter defeat.

The man stared at me for a long time without answering. He seemed to be contemplating something. I looked down towards and cement beneath my frayed sneakers and was about to turn and leave when he spoke. "You can stay with me. I have a few extra bedrooms, you would be no bother." That was all he said before he turned to walk towards his shiny black car that was parked at the curb. I turned back to look at his men and they were gaping at him. I expected that he meant for me to follow him so I did. He stopped at the passenger door and opened it for me, waiting for me to get in. Do I get in this car with him? He could be some kind of human trafficking head or something. But if I don't get in, I'll kick myself for the rest of my life. I gathered my courage and slipped into the smooth leather car. He shut the door behind me blocking out the rest of the world, and everything I knew about my old life.

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