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MINI: This is a very long story so hang on to your seat and Enjoy :) 


  Aah! said a girl named Roxas while she was running away from the Lifeless,Lifeless are human cats with a very sharp claws very sharp. And while Roxas was running he saw a Woman that Woman was always with Roxas but Roxas does'nt know who that Woman was and Roxas hid behind the Woman and SHING CRACK NING! from the sword of the Woman cutting the Lifeless Half every one of them and the Woman left like the wind Roxas did'nt even saw her and Roxas ran back to the village and now this girl Roxas Grew up and now she can protect herself from the Lifeless.

  Good morning world, Said our Hero Lynx while he took a shower and dress up for school and after that Lynx ate Breakfast with his Brother Ryan.And Lynx and Ryan both walked from school because their not used of taking the school bus and then the school bell rang everybody went to there class room (Studying,Listening) and after that they went back home and Lynx ran to his room and played Computer and when he was suppose to sleep a Portal sucked him inside and there he met Roxas.Roxas Said "Hello stranger whats your name I opened that portal for you" and Lynx replied "who are you where am I?" your in Thyleris Town this where every Newbie trains Roxas replied then why'd you  brought me here? asked Lynx your the chosen one we need you to stop Master Iged his the master of evil no one could stop him but you.He unleashed the most powerful Lifeless army and that can destroy our world.He will attack us and torture us and now we need to train you. come ill show you around.But I cant stay here this is not my home and my family would worry if they knew I was gone.Don't worry if your here your dimension will freeze its like you been gone for three seconds and wait your the only one whose been sucked in the portal but it said the hero and two companions but where are they?.Umm can you describe my companions?. its his two closest friend. you must be talking about Garnet and Berlin.Can you get them?.Of course but how am I gonna get back here? when I got them.Take this *Gives Him a Pendant* if you got them rub this pendant and you can communicate with me got it.Easy as making eggs.

 Yo! Ryan,you will not believe what happened to me last night.Okay I wont.No,it was awesome I was suppose to sleep but a Portal just whoosed in front of me and I met This Girl named Roxas
Lynx:And she told me im a chosen one
Ryan:of what?,the morons.
Lynx:Haha,very funny.
Ryan:Then what.
Lynx:I dunno.
Ryan:See a moron.
Lynx:Anyway,she told me to get Garnet and Berlin

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2015 ⏰

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