Info + Form

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|| LGBTQ+ friendly, would highly encourage as well. Both my OCs are male with a male Love Interest.

|| I prefer to double up, meaning you have an OC and a Love Interest and I have an OC and a Love Interest.

|| Most preferable OC x Canon please, but will be willing to role-play ships. I'm comfortable with just about any ship so just ask.

|| If we role-play a ship then we don't have to double up, it will be single. 

|| I will not role-play in the comments, I dislike comment rps so we'll either be role-playing through PM or through other means. I am willing to rp through Email, Discord, Skype, or Google hangouts. PM me if you'd like to role-play not on Wattpad, I'll happily give you my email or skype or discord name.

|| My OCs' Love Interest vary between Lance McClain, Prince Lotor, or Keith Kogane. If your character has any of these characters as their Love Interest then I'll just pick one of the remaining two, though I'll be sure to ask you.

|| I would prefer if you have a form made for you character, I allow pre-made forms, or I have a template on the next page that you are welcomed to use, it is my own template, I use it for all of my characters.

|| Storylines and plots are a must!!! I do not role-play freestyle rps, I cannot bring myself to continue it with my own ideas, I have a hard time coming up with events on my own so I rely on a storyline or prompt/AU or plot for that.

|| I am perfectly fine with Swearing, Gore, and Smut. I would prefer if you are comfortable with Smut, though let me know if you aren't.

|| Please fill out the form below if you are interested, you can just put it into the comments or PM it to me. 


Name: [What may I refer to you as?]

RP Type: [OCxCanon or CanonxCanon, ship name]

Love Interest: [If Applicable otherwise leave empty]

Storyline/Prompt/AU: [If you already have something in mind] 

Smut?: [On a scale of 1-10 how comfortable are you?]

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