Off to NeverLand

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I sat shaking in my room,short brown hair covoring my head, wearing a black and white dirty plaid shirt and cupress. When mother caught me wearing this she said i looked like a poor boy just about to deliver the daily paper out. I loved this look though. It was comfy and easy to run away in.

I wait till i hear the back door slam when i then open the door and look around the empty house. I tip toe as quickly has i could to the rusted door awaiting me. The knob is chipped and lose has i pull open the noisy door. Shutting and locking the door behind me i climb the wooden steps up into the unused section of the house.

My feet are sore and brusied , just like the rest of my body , full of cuts and wounds. I think about how abusive mother has gotten since dad died. My heart ached just thinking about dad but it didnt really matter , he's gone.

Feeling the soft fabric off the golfers hat, i slide it on. The tip bearly covering my eyes. I pull on long white socks that i managed to get and shoes that would disgust mother. My eyes shift toward the suitcase thats already packed and ready for my escape.

I grab the handle and a peice of paper that was pinned to the wall. A faded golden locket was cold against my chest has i dragged the suit case down the steps. Thud thud thud. I listen and press my ear to the door, the house was scilent, mother must still be out side. I unlock the door and swing it open. No sign of her , i contuie with the suit case toward the front door.

I grab hold of the golden door knob when i hear a shout of anger behind me.

"Take that off right now young lady!" i herd my mother scream at me. I didnt respond, i just glared at her with a determined shine in my eye. Without a response she storms closer toward me. My hand was postioned upon the door knob and i waited for the right moment. "DONT TEST ME CHI-" before she could finish i slammed the door open it smacked into her nose.She stumbled back in pain and l made a run for it lugging my suit case behind.

I could hear my mothers fuss as i ran into the street nearly geting hit by a carrige. "WATCH IT LAD I ALMOST BLOODY HIT YCH'A" i nodded toward the driver not stopping my pace.
With the clothes, cap and short hair i look exactly like a boy, perfect! I contuied running until my legs felt like jello. The ache in my legs didnt stop me , i walked until i made it to the dock.

Lugging my case behind me i see a ship on the dock. I read my paper and it says "Jolly Roy departing at noon".
I squinted toward the side of the ship i could bearly make out Jolly Ro-. Close enough for me, i shrug and see a short round man, in a blue and white stripped shirt order men to carrie barels onto the ship. His red sleep cap bouncing on his head as he directed orders.

Sneaking around a bit i slide into a large size barrle, sitting on my suit case to fit. Soon after i had squzed in i felt the wood leave ground and herd a grunt of a tired man.
It had worked, finally i was leaving London. Finally leaving my abusive mother and bringing part of my dad with me.
Listening to a loud deeper voice i hear "PROPARE FOR TAKE OFF!". "Take off"? i think then hear many "Ah Yi captin!" follwed by cluster of foot steps. Instead of the smooth drift of the water, the barrel , thats tied to a pole, is shifting sideways. I pressed againt the inside now laying on my back has i relized what was happening.

This isnt just a sailing ship, its flying and taking an unknow vistor with them. . .

The Tale of a RunAway (Peterpan x reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin