Face to Face

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The sky was just as pretty at night. The perfect blind of blacks, dark blues, purples and red. With white pearls dotting the sky making it shine even more.

I stare up at the sky with a smile, sitting on the itchy cooled down sand. I was calm and at peace with myself. The ocean moved on its patterns. The tide and waves seeming to work together and at the same time on its own. I stand up and pull off my shoes and socks.

Leaving them in the sand I walk into the shore line. Soaking the tips of my jeans and feet. I stare out into the blue beauty then back at the sky.

Lost in my thoughts i feel pressure . Someone stood behind me.
I flinch and turn around. It wasnt peter, im sure he's asleep. None of The lost boys.

It was a tall man. He stood with a smile behind me. He wore a red long coat and a formal white long sleeve shirt. Pants ive seen richer men where when mother brought them home. A red hat with a long white feather and dark hair. A hook replaced one of his hands.

I step back, i remeber his face. He was the captin on that ship. Captin hook.

I gather myself up , pretending not to know him. "Sorry, u startled me". He looked down at me "Thats alright young lady" he said. He held out his hand "Im captin Hook". I dont shake his hand "Im run away" i said not using my real name. "What an odd name" he paused then contuied "But it must suit you well".

I nod a little "In a way". From what i herd about him, he was acting out of charator. He was being kind. "So what is a fine lady like you doing out here all alone?" he said and i step closer toward where i had left my shoes. I dont answer him right away i take a glance toward the sea and sure enough i see a small dingy. In it sat the round man named Smee.

"To watch the stars" i say breaking the scilence. I dont face hook i couldnt i already felt the fear inside me building up. "They are quite lovely, aren't they" he said. "If only i could see them from here" he said in a sad tone. This caught me off gaurd.

"This island once belonged to me you know" he said in a more angry tone of voice. "But then that blasted peter pan stole it from me". "Stole my hand as well". I glance back it at hook he gazed at the stars now.

What a load of bullshit , i think. Peter must have done this for good reasons. From what ive seen he's to kind and childish to do this without reason. But i play along to not throw him off.

"How sad" i say. "It very much was" he said. "But i cant take it back, he's been to witty and determined for that". I dont respond and i bend down for my shoes. "Wish i could help, but im just a stranger looking for a home" i partly lie, i've found my home.

As look over at the path i entered at, he stands infront of me blocking me off. I step back fear already took over but now I held back to want to throw up. "Actually . . ." he said with a grin.
"You can help me" at this rate i dropped my shoes and socks and propared to run. I didnt have a good feeling about this.

Before i knew it he grabbed me by the arm and pulled me toward the dingy. I dont scream , i couldnt, i pull the oppsite way. Mothers done this before so i knew what to do. I pulled , but he was to strong so i twisted my arm. It stung cause he didnt let go and kicked him hard in the shines. Curling my toes back so my bone would hit him. He didnt see this coming and yelped in pain and suprised releasing my arm.

He was as much as a child as peter was and fell down dramtically. "BRAT!" he called after me as i had took off running. "SMEE GET HER!!"

Smee was to slow for me, he was bearly out of the dingy as i dissapeared into the woods. My feet rubbing against rough surfaces . Scratching the skin and causing me to bleed. I didnt slow down though , that adrinaline rush had kicked in.

It all happend so fast i couldnt belive it. Before i could think straight i was back at the tree hide out. I dont climb in, instead i bend over, hand on knees and throw up.

After a good pause and deep breaths i stand straight and feel the wounds on my feet. "I left my bloody shoes" i mummble out loud to myself. I stare out from where i had ran and sigh. "doesnt matter anyway".

I climb into the tree with the pain in my feet and arm. My head spun and my stoamch was turning. I've felt better. Despite the bleeding feet i enter into the hideout and shuffle over to my bed. I must have made noise cause a moment later tink came flying in. I slide down onto the hide bed and look straight up.

Tink sat on my nose and made bell noises again. If only i could understand her. She patted my forhead with this forgiving look and flew up only to notice the blood dripping from my feet.

She flew off and all i can remeber was a stink and i passed out.
O boy what a night..

The Tale of a RunAway (Peterpan x reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ