Part 1

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This story is best read in a sans font for additional feeling, what? You don't want to? that's fine. I'm just gonna silently judge you from over here

Chapter 1


My name is Maddi .

I am the sole introvert in a dorm room of extroverts and ambiverts.

Welcome to room 113, there's me, Racheal, Nicole, Adriana, Charlotte and Steph. It can be a bit of a madhouse sometimes, but, when combined with room 114- Kian, Jake, Marley, Sam, Miles and Luke- we come together as one big, messed up, family but a family nonetheless.

A little bit of geography for you, we are located in dorm building Alpha, It's the smallest, oldest and most secluded dorm building in the entire school. It only has ten rooms, five on each floor and is a good three minute walk from the canteen and at least five minutes to ANY of my lessons. It's shrouded by an almost-forest of dark, ancient oak trees that homes enough animals to make the area look like it's from a fairytale, The only way in and out is via an old dirt path that narrowly skirts a pond. I've seen ducks in that pond.

So today is a sunday, thank the heavens above. It's also about 9:45 and no one wakes up until at least ten, and that's the Racheal-bear. I AM just joking after all, Racheal is just a little grumpy in the mornings. To be honest it could be worst, Ray- from room 108 downstairs- is extremely easy to aggravate, I think one time she broke a mug over one of her neighbour's heads, frankly he had been singing about flying burritos very loudly at six in the morning.

I was already prepared for when Racheal woke up and as the clock struck ten, it awoke.

Racheal stumbled down the few stairs that lead to the bedrooms and into the little kitchenette-style thing that was in the corner of the lounge grabbed the still-warm tea and a few cookies that I had made to dump herself in the armchair opposite mine. She grabbed the TV remote to put on Doctor Who. How typically British. And she managed to do all of this without noticing my presence.

And whilst my book was interesting, scaring this blonde roomate was fun and amusing beyond belief.

"Hello Racheal." She jumped up in her chair and snapped her head towards me simultaneously. Her eyes widened when she realised that I was there.

"Oh Hi Maddi, how long have you been sat there?" Since 4 this morning, but I wouldn't tell them that, they'd wonder why I still didn't get anything done.

"Only since half-past eight, But I did have time to buy the cookies from the corner shop." LIES. I made those cookies myself. However, due to an unfortunate situation a couple of years ago where I burnt my wrist pretty badly, I am not meant to use anything hot, They just about let me use the microwave. So there's another thing that I will never tell them.

"Oh nice, can you get them again next week, they're better than Jake's" At this we both bursted into laughter. It's an inside joke, Jake claims that his cookies are the best cookies to exist, I say no, my cookies are better than his. But as I'm not meant to use the oven I can't tell him that the cookies he claims are orgasmic are actually mine and not some store bought rubbish.

We quickly settle back into the silence with only Doctor Who creating any semblance of noise.


Well someone is probably awake now.

"20 pounds says that's Nicole." I suggest subtly to Racheal, "Ok I'll put 20 pounds on it being Adriana." Oh how you've gone wrong Racheal. I observe the daily habits of each roommate, I know what I'm doing.

And, as expected, Nicole was the one to wonder into the lounge next.

"Pay up." I whispered to Racheal. She walked over to here tub on the side and removed £20 and placed it in the tub labeled 'Maddi's bet winnings'. I tend to bet with my roommates about my roommates and I tend to win.

Basically, I know that Racheal gets up first on a sunday, at exactly 9:49, so she can be awake by the time Doctor Who is shown on itv. I know that the time sounds precise, however, I snuck into her room one night and changed her sunday alarm to this, she still hasn't noticed. Nicole or Adriana will follow, depending on who gets a text message first. Steph will follow as Racheal makes an english breakfast after Doctor Who and Charlotte will not wake up until at least midday. She'll end up going clubbing all night though, She's been planning a night out with Adriana, Ray and Jess, the latter two from downstairs, I hear stuff about their plans to 'hit the town'.

Try all they want, I am not going with them.

"I'm gonna go to the shop, anything you guys need?"




"I am not buying weed, the joke stop being funny after the first 90 times."

"Ok Fine, I need Coffee."

I get up and grab my keys from the peg and get to walk through the corridor of death.

At the same time I locked the dorm room door, Jake emerged from the Boys' dorm with a large basket of dirty washing.

I quickly flattened myself against the corridor wall; there are two things I fear in this world and one of them is getting stuck under the Boys' dirty washing again.  

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