Anorexia Is A Serious Problem

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"I was soo embarrassed... soon much embarrassed Henry. After Ms. Bonny said she was sorry for her. I can't believe she pulled a stunt like that. YOU!!! How can you do this to me?"

"Calm down sweetheart, let's talk about it."

"DON'T ASK ME TO CALM DOWN! I've had enough."

Dad rubbed his forehead and sighed. 

"Brilee, I and your mother have a reputation in the society. Why you did that?"

"I swear on my Harry Porter novel collection, I didn't say a word." I gave him the most innocent look I could muster up, having sharp eyebrows didn't help much.

"THAT'S the problem. You didn't say a word." Rose shouted like her ass was on fire. I was sure anytime now the house is going to explode, and she is going to fire away red hot lava from her nostrils, bringing this humble 25 acre abode to ashes. 

"You told me to stay quite after last time." She did ask me to stay quite after last time when I pretended to have Tourret's syndrome and threw profanities at anyone and everyone in 25 feet circumference. 

"I didn't ask you to act deaf. You idiot! Woman there were mocking me. THEY WERE MOCKING YOUR DAD." Damn that mebellian base, her tomato red face was perfectly concealed. I am sure the marriage still going on must owe a lot to mebellion and of course behind closed door activities. Thinking about the behind closed door activity made me cringe. Had my dad ever seen her without makeup? Does she wear makeup to bed? I was brought back to my very pleasant situation by my dad's voice.

"Why are ypubdoing this Bri? We were settling in alright. Everything was going fine. I blamed it all on you teenage hormones and ignored your blunders. But i dont think thats the case anymore. Please Bri, I am here for you. Tell me what is going on." I love him soon much. Dad showed me new light. There is HOPE for me. Throughout my school year I have been trying to figure out if I have a crush on someone, I even went through the XX list when XY didn't work for me. Nothing... NADA! May be I am impotent? But if my dad can see potential in me,,, or better if he can FEEL my teenage hormones raging up, may be the impotency will go away with time..

"Answer your dad when he is talking to you young lady." Ahhh how I hate Fuse, faulty Fuse, faulty f****** fuse, faulty f****** fraud fuse, faulty f****** fraud f...

"Don't you have anything to say Brilee?" I remained calm, the atmosphere was tense is an understatement, it was thick like a freshly brewed frappechino. The atmosphere dose not taste as sweet as frappe is, but yeah frappe was there so  it's a good thing.. right?

"Brilee." He sighed in a dramatic manner, Fuse was rubbing off on dad, its not cool. "After givin it much thought, I and your mother have decided to send you off to boarding school. You are not fitting in, may be a change of environment will do good to you. A few years brake, and you will come back to live with us." Dad looked like he didn't want to send me off.

Rose had a victorious smile, like she just got her name in Guinness book of world record. Trust me, she can get her name there. With the title of the bitchest bitch in the world. Ahan! This seems too noble. The bitchest bitchest bitch in the wo... 

"I really tried to work things out with you Brilee. It's been four years honey. I tried to be the mother you lost. I did all I could to accept me. Why won't you accept me?"  Ladies and gentleman, here comes Irma returns, with exclusive waterworks  from none other then Fuse.. I mean Rose. Dad put his hand around her, "honey, she will get back to us." 

"Brilee, don't you have anything to say to your us?" Dad looked at me with hopeful eyes. For the love of Narnia..  do they expect me to apologize? I didn't do anything in the first place.

"The menu.. I need to look at the menu of mess. I can't have myself starving there. If it's not up to the mark then I need funds to eat from wherever I want to eat." Dad's eyes were size of tennis balls, and hers were size of her boobs aka her normal tennis balls size eye x 10. Ugly frog!

"IS THAT ALL YOU HAVE TO SAY!"  When i noded, It looked like dad couldn't digest my love for food. 

"BRILEE! Have some decency and apologize. NOW!" F***. That hurts, him siding her.

"I am sorry Fus... I mean Rose. You look ugly with your mascara leaking from eyes." It looked like someone had slapped their faces.. which is not possible. Nobody can piss off my dad and his wife at the same time and make it alive out of situation. Except ME of course. Who do you think the tough personality came from. 

"I can't believe after all this YOU are worried about YOUR food and You are making comments about my mascara instead of apologizing to me."

"What can I do, iba honest about your mascara. As  far as food is concerned, you should be happy dad doesn't have to pay a therapist, you know anorexia is a serious problem. I am thankful that my appetite is alive."

"Brilee, go to your room. Start packing. We will leave this weekend." And with that. I was dismissed. 

After closing the door of my room, I felt a lump in my throat, am I hurt? Definitely NOT! Iba stronger than that. It's just a boarding school. Besides, my teenage hormones might get a nadir, and I might get myself a boyfriend. YES! I am going to look for a boyfriend, the kind of guy you never take to home, biker, fighter and all the SWEET things in the world. I am going to make Fuse go Fuse with the things I will do in the future. I took my pyjama and shirt and went to take bath.

HOLY MOLY! There was something shiny just at my lid margin. Was it tear? I solemnly swear that I am up to no good Fuse. I am going to make her play blue whale. YEAH! I will make sure she dies in a pathetic manner. The warm shower soothed me. After taking shower I went to bed. I was up fro an hour. I was thinking about all the things which happened today. It's Fuses fault, she can't make up her mind, if I should speak in public or not. Argghhh! I got up and took a notebook and pencil. So, what can be done at boarding school to make Fuse go fuse forever?

1. Find a bad boy boyfriend.

2. Seduce him may be?

3. Get pregnant? Ehhhh this one is a little too much. Besides I don't like babies. And I will have to share my food with him, so definitely no babies.

4. Make teachers mad as mad hatter. Just like Fuse. 

5. Pranks for principal. Definitely gonna work on it.

6. Eat food 

7. Eat food

8. Eat... damn it! May be I will meet a psycho werewolf there, and I can ask him to eat away fuse in the darkness of night. Poor werewolf, he will die of food poisoning, tech tech.. 

I heard the footsteps, someone was wandering in house, what do I do? I switched off the lamp and I was about to get up when the door of my room opened. For the love of Narnia, someone was in my room. I still had the pen with me, I am going to stab him. I pretended to be asleep. I felt my bed dipping,,, any moment now and fuse will be happiest person alive on earth, my head this going to stop. Warm hand stroked my hair, intruders don't do that to their victim, I felt something warm and wet at my forehead. He kissed me? Did he? 

"What am I going to do with you beautiful? You look soon much like her.. I didn't want to send you to the boarding school, but I guess this is for the best. I love you Brilee."  Dad? Seriously? He  kissed my forehead one more time and stood up. I heard the door closing. 

Wow, I didn't see that coming.I thought I had a secret admirer... Soon much excitement for nothing. Soon much drma for one night.  Why do best people end up with worst partners was my last thought before entering the amazing world of dreams,the world where my mom was still alive, and her murderer was nowhere near us, and definitely not snoring in the next bedroom with my father. Can't she choke on her own butoxed lips,  huh life can be cruel...

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