Chapter 3

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The sun was setting. Elsa was in her room, brushing her long blonde hair. She peered out her window and saw Kai standing next to Snah. The queen smiled and walked out of her room. Silently, she crept down the halls, trying not to alert anyone. Then, she stepped out of the castle and walked up to Kai.

"You look lovely," Kai said, grinning. 

Elsa blushed. "Thank you."

"Be careful," Snah warned.

Elsa and Kai ignored him and walked down the streets of Arendelle.

"Lets go to the North Mountain," Kai said. "When I was there, I saw this cool ice castle. We should go there."

Elsa glared at the North Mountain in the distance. "Um, it would take days time to climb the mountain."

Kai laughed. "Hah! It won't take long if we use my route!"

The queen took a step back from him. "I'm starting to think that you are untrustworthy. Could I just... Go?"

"Oh, come on!" Kai grabbed onto Elsa's arm, but she pulled back. he released his grip. "What's wrong?"

"Sorry," The queen said. "I really do not being touched."

"What? I thought you let that go."

"How do you know about that?"

"Um, I don't."

Elsa sighed. She did not want to be with him anymore. "Goodbye, Kai." She turned around.

Before she could walk off, Kai exclaimed, "Elsa, wait! I want to show you something!"

The queen rolled her eyes and turned back around. "What?"

A snowflakes formed in Kai's palm.

The queen gasped. "Wait, what?" She glared at it, bewildered.

"I would have told you this," He said. The flakes melted in his hands. "I don't really tell people this. I'm not sure if it's that big of a secret."

Elsa smiled. "So, I'm not the only person with ice powers. This is... Incredible."

"Wait, not the only one? So, you too have powers?"

The queen nodded. She created snowflakes in her palm. They also melted. "I kept it a secret for thirteen years."


"It is a long story," Elsa replied. "I really don't like talking about it. So, where are you from?"

"Whoa, whoa. I don't do backstories. But, I am interested in yours. Why won't you tell me it?"

"I just don't want to." Elsa quickly changed the subject. "So, you want to go to the North Mountain?"

"Yeah." Kai glanced around. "I saw this structure made of ice there. You want to check it out?"

Elsa realized he was talking about her ice palace. It's still standing? She thought. She smiled at Kai. "Sure. Why not? Let's take the shorter route."

Kai nodded. "Okay. Let's go, shall we?"

The queen smiled and followed him. They walked over a long bridge that lead  into the fjord mountain forest.

"How did you get powers?" Elsa asked Kai. "I was born with them."

"Weird," Kai replied. "I mean, you're not weird. It is just a bit weird to be born with powers."

"So, you were not?"

"Look, I do not tell people my backstories, no matter how beautiful they look." Kai smiled nervously. "I mean..."

Elsa laughed. "It's okay. I get that alot."

They soon entered the forest. The queen glanced around nervously. Moonlight streamed through the treetops.

A deep growl echoed through the forest.

"What was that?" The queen asked Kai, frightened.

Kai glanced around, looking for the source of the growling. He saw a pair of glowing eyes in the undergrowth. The creature crashed out of the bush, baring it's teeth. It stared at Elsa and snarled.

"Wolf!" Kai exclaimed. "Elsa, stay back!"

The queen screamed in fear. She glanced back and forth, terrified. She was ready to strike the wolf with her powers. She scowled at it and almost hit it with her ice, but it was able to dodge her blow.

The wolf leaped after Elsa, but she kicked it's nose.

The wolf whimpered and shook it's head. It growled at the queen anew and snarled. Elsa attempted to hit it with her ice anew, but Kai ran up to it. He grabbed the wolf by it's scruff. It whimpered and rolled over on it's back. It looked calm now.

"There," Kai said. "That's better."

"Is it tame now?" Elsa asked, walking cautiously towards him.

Kai stroaked the wolf's stomach. "Yes."

Elsa was amused. "Wow. Impressive. How did you do that?" She asked.

"It's a secret," Kai replied. "It's good to use if you are being attacked by a wild animal. It will work on any animal." The wolf stood up and licked his face, wagging it's tail joyfully. Kai smiled. "Let's call him Lupus."

The queen gazed at Lupus. He leaped onto her and licked her face. Elsa smiled and said, "Friendly, isn't he?" She stroaked his silver fur.

"Yeah," Kai said. He patted Lupus on his head. "Let's get going."

"But, what about the wolf?" Elsa asked.

Kai grabbed a twig and threw it far into the woods. Lupus wagged his tail and chased after it. "There," He said. "Problem solved."

Elsa and Kai continued walking up the mountain. The air was colder and they were soon in the snow-capped area of the mountain. It did not seem like a long walk. Soon, Elsa could see her old ice palace glowing in the moonlight.

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