the spill

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the next morning you heard a knock on the door it was the boys in their gym clothes and they asked me

Mikey / hey do you guys want to come to the trampoline park

obviously you say yes because you don't want to stay stuck in the flat all day so you go and tell shannon that you and her are going with the boys to the park and she screamed yes because she was really board now you got out the door and the boys were outside waiting but one it was Brooklyn he decided to wait for you because he thought it would be polite to wait as you got to the trampoline park Brooklyn wanted to talk to you but you said to him to wait till our session is over during the session you see rye doing flips and tricks so you decide to have a flip off with him because you did gym in school and you had learned a few thing's rye got a bi annoyed because he thought he was the best and doing things like that however when you were doing it you saw Brooklyn watching you and smiling at you because he thought you were amazing by the time you and rye had finished your session was over and it was time to speak to brook

you/ so what id you want to speak about

brook/ um well I like this girl but I don't have the guys to tell her can you pleases tell me how to get her

you/ just tell her how you really feel and maybe she might like you back you never know

brook/ ok here it goes

brook says really nervous

brook/ um I like you I think your amazing and I know ive just met you but I think were alike and that you make my world light up every time I see you

you/ um wow brook that was so sweet and I feel the same way but we need to know each other more before any thing happens sorry

brook/ its fine I understand what you mean

after the speak with Brooklyn you and the boys walk to ASDA to get a drink and some munch because Mikey wants to watch a film with everyone you get back to the flat and the boys all go to their bunk and they all offer you and shannon to sit with them but you go to brook and shannon goes to jack during the film you discover brook staring at you so you smile at him and he blushed then says I ship shannon and jack don't you think so you say yes then rye hears what you say and says well we all ship brook and jorja and then everyone starts to so


then everyone shuts up the film I finally over and you and shannon go back to your flat to do some more decorating

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