[24] Kang Areum

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(A/N: I'll be using a different format for this chapter just because it's literally Q and A (Cue the Song by SVT and Ailee!), so this may seem similar to the texting format, but it's just a regular conversation between Areum and the members!" BTW, if I suddenly don't have a name b4 the dialogue, that means it's Areum speaking, and that I have gotten too lazy to type out her name! :))

Bold = English

Italics = Chinese

'Italics + Apostrophes (')' = 'Thoughts'

3rd Person's POV-

"Okay!," Areum clapped. The 11 gang members and only girl moved to the living room where there were enough seats to sit all 12. They got comfortable, prepared snacks and drinks because the totaly didn't have lunch last cha- ten seconds ago, and started a round of 21 questions!, "What do you guys want to know?"

"Let's start with the What you asked us earlier," Jisung began, "Question 1: What's you're favorite color?"

"Purple, or to be specific pastel purple."

Jihoon: "So. . . lavender?"

Areum: ". . . Whatever- Next question!"

Sungwoon: "What kind of dancing do you specialize in? Or what's your favorite style of dance?"

Areum: "I would count that as two questions, but you've used dancing. . . my weakness. . ."

Gualin: "Typical. . ."

Areum: "Excuse me?" *acts offended, but actually slightly is*

Gualin: "You are excused!"

Areum: *sniffs* ". . . I specialize in contemporary, but I like tutting and popping the best." *Jinyoung pats her back in assurance* (A/N: Everyone needs a BaeJin in their life)

Minhyun: "I'm next! So. . . hmm. . ."

Daehwi: "Times a tickin'! We don't have all day, Hyung."

Minhyung: "We don't have any missions today."

Daehwi: ". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stfu and just ask a question. . ."

Areum: "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA!!!!!!!! I can understand you, Daehwi!!!" *wipes eyes from laughing to much*

Minhyun: *gives Daehwi a questioning gaze* "Okay. . . Well there's my question: How do you know English?"

Areum: "I know you guys don't like me talking about NCT- wait. . . NCity-, but I hang out with their 'Foreign Swagger' crew quite a bit. They'd teach me English whenever they were over at my old home.  Plus, Wendy would teach me a thing or two whenever she was over."

Seongwoo: "I'M NEXT! STEP ASIDE!!!" *clears throat* "Is Kang Areum your actual name? Like. . . is Areum the name given to you by your birth-parents or step-parents?"

Areum: "My step-parents gave me the name Areum. I use the name my birth-parents gave me as a middle name."

Seongwoo: "What's your middle name?"

Areum: "That's another question for another time!~"

Jaehwan: "What's your middle name?"

Areum: ". . . . . . . . . Really? And wait a second: If you guys looked up my past history and a, very terrible, background check, shouldn't you already know this?"

Wanna-One: ". . ."

Jisung: "We respect your privacy. . .?"

Areum: *Rolls eyes* "Do you need me to repeat the list of reasons I made from earlier today?"

This Thing Called 'Love' {Discontinued}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora