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Today is the day you get to go to a session with The Traveling Wilburys. You're nervous being a new musician. You get there and they all freeze. You feel like you wanna crawl into a hole. 

"'Ello you must be Y/N." George asked.

You nod.

"Awesome. What instrument do you play?" Jeff asked.

You say Y/I shyly.

"Cool, don't be shy, Honey we're actually pretty down to Earth you don't gotta treat us like some idols." Tom said from his seat.

You nod. 

"Alright Y/N, you will be next to Bob." Roy said pointing to the curly haired man next to Tom.

"C'mon over here, babe we don't bite." Bob teased. 

You rolled your eyes and took a seat next to Bob.

"From the top guys!" Jeff called out.

The session went awesome. And the guys were really hilarious. Before you leave they asked you to go back again to jam with them, and you said you would. After this you all go your separate ways but will rejoin each other again some other day

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