Chapter 1

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Okay just so you guys know I am hoping someone could pick up this story... I want to read it myself but I don't want to write it. I'm lazy that way. LOL. Oh and most of the parts from the episode will be different. 


Cisco's P.O.V.

I watched as I shot the Speed force Bazooka at Savitar, a blue beam shot out from end of the gun. How could I let this happen? How could I actually make this for him? God, please don't murder me in my sleep. I saw a flash of red before Savitar was gone. Barry was here, he ran over to me. 

"Cisco where is he?"

"He's everywhere."

"What? Why? How?" I looked at him sorrow filling my eyes.

"I'm sorry  he told me he would kill Catlin. I wouldn't let him, I couldn't."

"Cisco, it's okay I don't blame you. Just tell me what happened "

"I made the speed force bazooka able to splice his atoms in space and time. So he can be all present. But he can control everything now... he could kill you with a single thought, Barry." Barry turned to Wally and looked at him in shock. I turned my head and glanced at him as well. I stared at him betrayal filling my eyes. 

"Wally don't do this I know this isn't you. Please Wally listen to me." Barry begged as I stared at Wally with shock. Wally's hand was vibrating at a high speed and it was just inches away from Barry's chest. Catlin Stood in place smiling. (Don't forget Cisco didn't tell Catlin that he has the cure.) Wally began talking, "Barry I can't stop it. I can't control it! I'm sorry Barry!" The hand suddenly plunged into Barry's chest. 

"BARRY!" I screamed at him. I ran to Barry's aid trying to help him. Wally suddenly snapped out of his trance and kneeled down next to me.

"Barry, Barry I'm sorry I should have tried harder. I should have done something to stop myself. I'm so sorry, Barry!"

"'s ok... it's not your fault." Barry tilted his head to the side, eyes slowly trailing away from us. 

"Barry stay with us! You're gonna be just fine just hang on." I turned my head to the side trying to see if anyone at the coms were there. I looked directly at Catlin. Her eyes were wide in shock and fear. "Catlin! help him please I can't do it alone please Catlin." She rushed over to my side, her eyes now brown, and put her hands on the wound beginning to stabilize it. Barry grunted in pain. 

"Barry I'm sorry I should have tried to help you sooner!" I stayed quiet still in shock.  

"It's......... okay." Barry suddenly coughed up a ton of blood. Catlin's hand suddenly stopped putting pressure on the wound and started digging her fingers inside the wound. 

"AGHHH...." Barry screamed in pain. 

"Barry I'm sorry I can't stop it!" Caitlin yelled frustrated with herself. I tried to push her hands away but quickly found that I couldn't move either. Barry's eyes started to droop. "Barry you have to keep your eyes open! I know it's hard but please fight it don't give in!" i glanced down at the blood stained costume. Barry huffed in pain, trying to be strong, while Catlin's hand dove deeper into his side. 

"Guys... I can't...I think I'm gonna pass out." Barry stated with pain visible in his eyes. I heard a car door slam. I tried to move my head to see who it was but was solemnly reminded that I couldn't move. I saw Iris rush to Barry's side, then gradually come to a stop. 

"Iris we can't move!" I said to her panic rising in my voice. 

"Catlin! What are you doing!" Iris yelled furiously. 

"Iris I'm sorry I can't control it!" 

"It's Savitar! He's controlling us!" I said to take the blame off Catlin.

"Iris...?" Barry said barely in a whisper. 

"Yes Barry I'm here!" She said on the burdge of tears.

"I...I... love... y-you." Barry said giving up the fight to live.

"I love you too! Barry stay awake. Please I was ready to be Iris West-Allen!" Barry's eyes shut. I knew at once when we could feel our limbs that he was dead. Tears rolled down my face as I stared down at my best friend. Joe stood there with the utter shock of it all.

"It's all my fault! IT"S ALL MY FAULT!" Wally yelled furious at himself. 

"Wally It's not your fault." I said nicely sorrow hinting in my voice. Wally stood up grabbed, grabbed Barry, and ran away. We all got in the car and drove to Star Labs. Once we got there we found a very pale Barry laying in a hospital bed, with blanket covering his whole body. Wally at on a chair near the bed, crying.  A portal opened next to Barry's bed. We all raced to his side. His mother appeared from inside the portal. She spoke, "I can save him. But only if he stays in the speedforce. If Barry ever comes back to this world he will die." Joe was the first to speak up. 

"If you can save him... take him."           

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