Chapter Seven - vukc (I can't name chapters)

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Chapter Seven - vukc (I can't name chapters)

Stiles POV

Walking towards the table, I held Aether's hand 'cause why not? I mean people were staring but that's probably because I'm not 147 pounds of pale skin and fragile bones anymore. Meh. Anyways, we reached the table at which the pack were sat.(AN:It rhymed lmao)

A chorus of 'heys' rang out to greet us to which we replied hey back. Suddenly, nothing happened. We were just sat there sitting awkwardly. I guess it's because we usually talk about the latest threats, but since they don't know Aether knows about them and all the other supernatural shit no one knew what to say.

"So are you guys free this weekend?" Scott questioned trying to lift the awkwardness. Keyword; tried. Luckily, before anyone answered a teacher walked over saying something about me and Aether needing to go home. We said our farewells even though we had literally just got there a few minutes ago.

In the parking lot (AN: I call that a car park but I was like do they call it that in America? What do you call it?) we quickly found our way towards the jeep and got in.

"Shotgun!" Aether called out.

"You do realise that no one else was going to sit there, right?" At my comment Aether blushed a deep red all over his face.

"Duh, I mean like I knew that. I was just testing you? Yeah?" Rolling my eyes we hopped into my baby. I started the engine and reversed out of my space and started on our way. The drive was calm and we sat in a comfortable silence. Then Aether started to get really excited and just shoved a cassette tape into the radio system.(AN: It has a cassette player. Deal with it. Okay, carry on now.) The song that started to play was DNA by Lia Marie johnson, our favourite song. Cue the singing voice of an angel, I thought right as Aether sung along to it.

Dark as midnight,

Six pack coors light,

Aether sang and I was mesmerised by his voice. The song was a part of us. We couldn't stop our DNA so we became demigods. We had no choice and we are hunted down by monsters almost every day of our lives.

What's it like to leave me behind,

Our godly parents just leaving us behind because of some stupid ancient laws.

No I won't be,

No I won't be like you,

How we will never do that to our kids. Even if we were Gods we would do anything in our powers to see our kids even if it broke the laws.

As the final notes of the song played I pulled into the driveway and stopped the engine. Walking towards the door of the house I was about to open it when I heard a thud from behind me. I turned around alert ready for anything, but what I didn't expect was to see Aether on the ground pouting. I couldn't help it so I laughed and then he glared making it cuter.

"Awwww. You okay there?" I asked and all I got was a 'I am fine'. I turned back to the door as Aether joined me and I opened the door. Walking in I decided to go to the living room (AN: or the not living room, hehe. Cause he's the son of Hades. You get it? Okay I'll leave now) and so I began walking there. Turning the corner, a smile plastered itself on my face as I ran to tackle a figure to the ground. An 'umph' was heard before a string of Italian curse words were heard. I'm not ever gonna repeat them.

"NEEKS!" I shouted most likely deafening him in the process. Rolling his eyes Nico replied by saying "Hey Stiles I'm so glad we came here. Anyways we're here because we were on our way to visit Hazel but Will forced me to come here to take a rest."

"So, how long are you staying?" I asked in a querying tone.

"Five to Seven days. Also how have you been since you left camp? Asked Will. After that we all spoke of how it's been and what was going on inside of camp. We spoke about school and my pack and how it seems awkward and we spoke for a while and it was getting dark.

The conversation ended as we found our ways to our rooms (Nico and Will are sharing the spare room). Snuggling down for the night Aether was already asleep. I kissed his forehead before whispering a little message.

Aether POV

The last thing I heard before sleep fully took me was; I will always love you, sleep safely.

AN: So sorry for taking ages to update but I have school and I was procrastinating also I wasn't sure if I should have added Nico and Will so there you go I just did.

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