Which one!!!!!!!!!!!

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It was a cold winter night on Friday the 13th. There was 1 lone figure on a hill staring down it, watching 3 other figures from afar. 2 figures are ready to lunge and 1 is ready to stop them. As the figure looks down there is a tip of a knife sticking out the snow....

There was a far away world called Emerald it was about winter time and there was 3 people laying on the ground and 1 person stalking behind seething in jealousy.

"Morning Diamond "said her boyfriend Jace as she opened her eyes looking up at her boyfriend's beautiful sea green eyes. Jace is a 18 year old male with sea green eyes, blonde windswept hair, a strong built body, a sharp jawline, he always has the look of caring and love and determination and he's 6 ft. Diamond is a 17 year old female with long beautiful light brown hair to her waist , silver eyes that shine in the light, she has a beautiful hourglass figure with slim legs and she's 5 ft 5 in. She looked confused until Jace explained that she fell asleep lying in the snow with the two boys then gave her a quick kiss on her forehead quickly forgetting about the other boy next to them. "Hey what about me" Diamond's best friend Travise said. Travise is 17 year old male who's 5ft 9in with dirty blonde almost brown hair, lightning blue eyes that shone with happiness, he has a medium build and also a sharp jawline. There used to be 4 of them but the 4th one changed for the worse.The 4th one of them was 17 and had midnight black hair to the middle of her back and black eyes in with red contacts she to had an almost hourglass shape but she had anger and jealousy in her eyes. Diamond giggled then apologized hugging each guy.  What the 3 of them didn't realize is that the other girl who used to be in the group was watching from the shadows and that girl was Artemis.

Diamond looked up at the sky and saw a beautiful sunset " Well it's time for me to go home you guys" she said. Simultaneously Travise and Jace said 'I'll walk you home". Both boys glared at each other till Jace went " She's my girlfriend" then he picked her up, threw her over his shoulder and ran away. No one except Artemis in the the shadows saw the pang of jealousy in Travise's eyes as she realized she wanted both boys to be at her side not by Diamond's side she also realized she hated Diamond with her heart and would do anything she could to hurt her.

Jace and Diamond arrive at her house shrieking with laughter as he swung her to her feet. There was a happy silence till Diamond looked up shyly and said " What's wrong with Travise he's been acting weird". Jace looked at Diamond wondering what was wrong with Travise then he answered " I have no clue Diamond, I'm sorry". " It's ok Jace I just wanted to know" she replied "well goodnight I love you" they both said then Diamond walked in the house smiling and Jace walked away, neither one knowing Travise heard everything and walked away with a sad smile thinking there was no chance for him so he just sent a text to Jace that said I'm in love with Diamond then ran to his house and locked all the doors.

Artemis saw Travise send the text and chuckled darkly and evilly as Jace laid in his bed and stared at his phone in rage. In the shadows Jace heard a whisper she's all yours or is she his?. Jace shook his head to clear his mind then went to bed. While Travise was brushing his teeth the same night, he heard from the shadows take her from him then and he also shook his head to clear it. Diamond was reading a book and slowly getting tired then she glances up and sees Artemis. Diamond shakes her head then blinks only to have Artemis right in her face laughing and saying "what is wrong with you do you not realize they both love you, well it's too bad because they will be mine soon" Then Artemis blended into the shadows quickly making Diamond think it was just her imagination, Artemis would never have come near her or so she thought. All 3 of them wake up in the morning on Friday the 13th with confusion and a sense of danger in their heads, like something bad is gonna happen. The 2 boys woke up with whispers from their dreams, bad whispers that had them agreeing to a bad decision. All through the day Artemis was walking in the shadow next to them, whispering things in each boy's ears making them turn and glare at each other. Until Diamond yelled "ENOUGH what is wrong with you guys jeez you really know how to make a girl irate". Then Diamond turned on her heels and ran quickly away her hair flowing sadly in the wind while the boys ran quickly after her. Meanwhile, Artemis comes out the shadow laughing "time to put my plan in action they will both be mine oh so very soon" then she ran off after the trio her back pocket had something glinting out of it with evil thoughts inside her head she continued whispering to the boys.

By the time the boys caught up to Diamond it was 2 hours till sunset and they were all tired. Diamond was standing on top of the hill looking down then shivered feeling a chill and the feeling of darkness. Finally after an hour Diamond worked up enough courage to say to the boys " explain to me now what is wrong with you guys please". The boys look at each other with hatred then at Diamond with love im their eyes. It's now sunset and it clicks in Diamond's head they both love her but she's realizes to late. Artemis steps out the shadows and says "now boys Diamond has figured out you both love her so do what you planned now". Then like everything is in slow motion for Diamond she sees that Artemis is cackiling and the boys lunge at eachother and roll down the hill. Suddenly Diamond snaps back in focus and runs down the hill towards the boys with Artemis on top watching Diamond ready to stop the boys and Jace and Travise ready to lunge again. Artemis looks down and see's a point of a knife sticking out of the snow and she grabs it only to realize it's a sword. She pulls it out and it's a long, sleek silver sword with a beautiful black handle with a diamond on it, she laughs at the coincidence and pulls the other sword out of her back sheath and yells down to the boys " I got two swords so catch" she throws them down and the boy lunge for them while Diamond tries to intercept them but she can't. The boys get the swords and are ready to attack then Diamond says "don't you see this is crazy Artemis is trying to influence you to do the wrong thing don't do it i mean look up at the sky with this beautiful sunset" they boys look up and Diamond believes there's hope. Until Jace goes "I love you Diamond" Travise has haf enough and lunges at him, sword clashing against sword the sword not touching either boys but glinting in the sunset.

Diamond is trying to stop them and talking sense in them but it's not working. The boys sword keeps clashing and the boys kept fighting with Artemis cackling on top of the hill watching them. Diamond turns to look at Artemis for one second then she heard the loudest cackle Artemis ever let out and turns back to the boys to see what happened. She steps forward towards the boys gasping. Diamond was now a centimeter away from the boys each boy was breathing heavily and the others sword at the others chest with no mercy in either one of their eyes.

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