Watch Out, Here Comes Trouble

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Chapter 4

"Vinsmoke, right? Lord Ichiji....Lord Niji....Lord Yonji....I know you boys can hear me, you're in deep shit." He had a leer in his voice, "What we're looking at is a bounty on your heads. You have 12 hours to survive, you bring it back or us guys like us Berserkers will cause shit to happen. Since you won't heed, you won't survive in this mad game now won't you 'cause I know who you are and I saw what you did." The voice of the caller said. Niji grits his teeth, "What the hell did we do?!" He demanded. "Uh, guys? Look!" Tommy said, pointing over to the screen. It was a footage from the MPD: Jeanne woke up, she was horrified as she was held captive by Ichiji, Niji and Yonji who try to break her emotionally as Jeanne was bounded while she was scared and begging for mercy however she was not given any. It was a nightmare until she freed herself and escaped with her life depending on it. Once she was safe; Jeanne broke down crying from all that happened. However; she is being chased though she does not stop running. She finds a dead end as Yonji and Niji confront her. "Stay away from me!" Jeanne shouted. "Don't be like that, sweet thing!" Yonji taunted. In her panic; Jeanne took a taser she had on her and tries to use it against him. But it didn't work as he looked unfazed and Jeanne learns he wields the powers of electric. Niji smirked, "Was that supposed to hurt?" He asked. Jeanne gasped while the other two brothers laugh. The footage ends with recorded voices of guys saying this line: "I know who you are and I saw what you did." Over and over again! Then another set of footage plays out: Judge gives a hard stare to Briar who gives one back to him as she smiles. "You know what Sylver has been doing." He said. Briar shrugged. "Yeah, pretty much. But I have no part in this." She replied. "You don't decide on what you say." Judge confirmed. "I don't have an opinion in this?" Briar asked. "No." replied Ichiji with a smirk. Briar reflected with her own sneer, "Well, screw you. I do have one and you can't stop me." She verified. Judge narrowed his eyes and pulled out something. "Do you know this?" He asked. Briar's sneer faded and saw the familiar documents. "Fury Project..." She gasped. Judge Vinsmoke mentioned his knows the truth to Sylver's past and knows who she really is. Upon hearing this; Sylver watches with a stunned expression, she turns to see Yonji and Niji smirking at her. Sylver turns away. Briar turned to her and whisper, "Easy girl. You're going to be OK." Sylver nodded. "ANSWER ME--!!" Judge demanded but is cut off as Briar uses her abilities to put him in a chokehold with her psychokinesis. "I would appreciate if you didn't have to raise your voice, Your Majesty. Sylver Eden has been through shit, if you do anything to make her scared, I will make you pay for it!" Briar threatened. "You hate us, don't you?" Judge asked in a cold voice. "Let's just say, I don't like abusive fathers like you." Briar said with a dark grin on her face. Briar uses her telekinesis as she took the Fury Project documents, much the clan's dismay. Briar released him and sat back down. "You try to bring harm to us?" Judge thundered. "You think that hurts? YOU JUST WAIT!!!" Briar exclaimed, revealing her Banshee form—much to the horror of the family. That's when Briar begin to smile as she gestured to Sylver and she gets up. "You're leaving? You're not walking from this." Ichiji said. Briar laughed, "Oh no, I'm not walking away. I just moved away 'cause you got a visitor. You'd better duck!" She said. Just then, a Germa 66 soldier flies down and crashes into the table. And then, a voice shouted: "VINSMOKEEEEEEE!!!" Travis appeared with gritted teeth and holding a beam katana. "Travis...We meet again." Judge said. "Sorry to crash your Mad Tea Party but I got a shit ton of anger." Travis said. "Learn your place, do you know who we are?" Judge asked. Travis smirked, "Garuda? Sparkling Red? Electro Blue? Winch Green? Pfft, who cares! I got good names for ya--Bastarduda. Shithead Red. Ass Hat Blue. And Son of a Bitch Green." He said. "WHAT WAS THAT?!" Yonji shouted. "We'll make you eat those words!" Niji declared. Travis had his beam katana as he cried, "SHOT LIKE A ROCKET INTO THE SKY, NOTHING IS GONNA STOP ME TONIGHT!!!" Briar smiled as the battle begins. Travis clashes against the brothers. "You've done this before? Wait, aren't you an assassin? Why go after a bunch of mercenaries like us? Don't you worry about getting yourself killed?" taunted Ichiji. Travis smiled tightly, "Ha! I got a target on my back, Pompadour. I'm the lone survivor last. You guys got me in your sights. I'm living the dangerous life." He declared. "I bet you do! Must've sucked for ya, doesn't it?" Yonji said. "You know, big talk. More intense than any anime or video game." Travis retorted. "I don't know what you're talking about, you need to shut it!" Niji yelled. Travis backs off and hides behind a plant to catch his breath. "By the way, you heard of a kid name Nai?" He managed to say. "Who?" Yonji panted. "The kid with white hair, you caused him to be in the hospital." Travis reminded. Niji snickered, "Oh yeah...Pathetic little boy. Ha, you wanna hear how many bones were broken? How much beating we gave him?" He said. "No....I want to hear you begging and crying for your lives." It switches where there was a ringing sound that was a whistle blown and Sylvia appeared, "STOP RIGHT THERE!!! THE FIGHT—IS OVER!!!" She commanded. "Nice save." Briar commented. Sylver breathed a sigh of relief. "What? We're just getting starting!" Niji complained. "In the Rules of Conduct for Assassins; if your opponent dies for whatever reason, is it your win. However, in this situation, if your opponent is defeated under different circumstances, it is your win. Which means Travis wins." Sylvia commented. "That is screwed up! Nothing is gonna stop any of us and you're gonna tell us it's over? You must be crazy for making up with these shitty rules, bitch!" Niji claimed, standing over her in a threatening matter. Sylvia blew the whistle loudly at him, making all three Vinsmoke brothers winced at the noise while Sylvia jabs her finger at them. "Rules are rules. You can't have what you can't have." She said. She then turns away and pulls out her camera to immortalize the data. As Sylvia takes photos while she explains about the Germa Kingdom to Travis: "The Vinsmoke clan is a powerful and notorious family of mercenary killers, the royal family of its military branch and underworld army and former conquerors until they were overthrown by the countries. Sanji hails from this family. The Vinsmoke family consists of powerful and capable warriors, the Vinsmoke three sons are military commanders and utterly remorseless bastards that will help the Germa Kingdom conquer the world; Ichiji, Niji and Yonji becoming monstrous regal horrors leaving them with only a tiny shred of humanity. They believe that a proper royal should be a strong and powerful warrior who shouldn't bend down to help commoners as it is beneath their dignity, so they're perfectly fine abusing their servants and soldiers. In the case of Judge's sons, it's justified, they can't understand why abusing their servants and soldiers would be a bad thing. Worse yet, Judge both hammered his beliefs into them and enabled their Royal Brat behavior until they became utter monsters." Travis pretended to be surprise, "Wow! How pathetic. It's too bad that you lost to a 'loser' like me isn't it?" He mocked. As Sylvia was bent over to take pictures, Yonji leered over while attempting to touch her thighs and Sylvia whirled around as her heel stomp on his shoe which Yonji lets out a growl. Briar has an impish grin.....More stuff was playing: Sylver felt shadows upon her. "You were a dancer right?" asked Yonji. Sylver rolls her eyes, "I was one earlier." She retorted. "Really? Wanna show more of that again?" Yonji said. Sylver scoffed with attitude, "Uh, no? I'm tired. Let's do this some other time, 'kay? Great. Thanks." She said. Just then, Niji grabs Sylver by her hair while shouting: "I don't GIVE A SHIT BITCH!!!" Sylver is thrown in the corner and almost hit the pole but found her balance. The music was being played while Ichiji demanded to her to start dancing on the pole. Reluctantly; Sylver closes her eyes and does a half hearted sway of her hips while dancing on the pole feebly. She heard the brothers snickering. Niji spoke up, "That's right...Keep at it...You know, I always thought you were something...Lying to us when you were playing the little ditzy girl. And then, you try to swing at us with that ax, and the way you took on our father like that was crazy but that whole dance you did changed our minds. And we thought Nami was feisty." Sylver rolled her eyes. That's when Yonji slammed his fist on the wall. "COME ON! YOU CALL THAT EXCITING?! HA, COME ON!!! DANCE BETTER!!!" He exclaimed. Sylver felt her vision blur as she angrily kicked those two bastards down and sauntered over to them. She leans in with a smirk. "DANCE TO THIS, TOOL!!!" She exclaimed. She pounced her heeled shoes on their chests hard but not too deep. Ichiji grabbed her and tossed her on the other side of the room. Sylver looked up to see psychotic looks on Niji and Yonji's faces. "You thought that was funny?" demanded Yonji. "Yeah, hilarious." Sylver retorted. Niji clenched his fist which was electric sparks coming from it. "You want hilarious? I'll show you hilarious!" He exclaimed. But all three of them are struck with something that made them feel pain. Sylver is confused and looked to see Beauty is the one responsible. Sylver is astonished that Beauty has shot all three Vinsmoke brothers with a syringe. "Wow! Where'd you learn to do that?" She asked. Beauty smirked and said, "Useless Talent #37. I got that from Planet Terror." She flexed her fingers while she helps Sylver escaped while Reiju watched them go in amazement.....Sylver wore a red ribbon lace-up corset. There were black flocked rose print panels and solid black ruched panels separated by boning. The deep sweetheart neckline meeting at the opening of the corset where silver tone hook closures hold everything together. Red tank sleeves are worn off the shoulder and wore a green, black, white and blue plaid skirt that has adorable pleats. Sylver playfully swing on the pole and she did some faux moves of her arms behind her as she went down as she threw her hair back in a dramatic fashion and twirl on the pole. Sylver came back up, hands together on the pole and try to look sexy yet mysterious. Niji watched intensely with a demure grin on his face. It was then; Sylver dropped her knees to the floor and her hands to the sky. Sylver tossed her head and bend over backwards while her breasts could be seen but she wasn't exposed. Sylver was doing more dances as three Vinsmoke brothers were distracted for a moment before they broke into violent tendencies of their battles....Yonji turned and his eyes were in bewilderment at what he was seeing: Sylver climbed the pole while swinging her legs in the process and twirls around it. Sylver lets her chest bounced up for effect, Yonji had a psychotic grin to his face and mauled all the monsters approaching! He realized this while wondering what the hell is going on. During all the battles; Sylver hold onto the pole, she bends down seductively and comes back up while shaking her hips. She has a very impish smile on her lips as she notices Ichiji watching and he was enthralled by her. Sylver grinds her hips against the pole while she clapped her hands to the rhythm. Boy, Niji looked like he couldn't take anymore of the inflamed performance.....During all the battles; Sylver hold onto the pole, she bends down seductively and comes back up while shaking her hips. She has a very impish smile on her lips as she notices Ichiji watching and he was enthralled by her. Sylver grinds her hips against the pole while she clapped her hands to the rhythm. Boy, Niji looked like he couldn't take anymore of the inflamed performance.....Yonji, Niji and Ichiji were dealing with a girl who was really Sylver in disguised and were suspicious but Yonji seemed charmed by her Southern Belle toughness. "Nice to see a pretty lady like you around here. You sure you're not from these parts?" Yonji asked. Sylver shook her head, "Not really, hon." She said in that Southern Belle accent. She acted like a Southern Belle with a sassy attitude that Yonji becomes fascinated in her. That's when Yonji, Niji and Ichiji were mocking about Zoro and Sanji while Sylver contained her emotion, she played along with it until Niji lean in close to her while having a hand around her throat. "Do you know Sylver? That psycho of Evermore?" He asked. "I heard of her hon, why do you ask?" Sylver asked. "You're not her are you?" Niji asked, his voice filled with malice. Sylver laughed, "Oh sugar, 'course not! What? You think I'm lying?" She joked. Niji places his hand down from her neck and lets this go when the three of them saw agents of Evermore waiting. Yonji, Niji and Ichiji are shocked until Sylver's Corruptions apprehend them when Sylver revealed herself! She smiled sinisterly, "You didn't think I was Sylver of Evermore? You were walking with this crazy bitch the entire time mother chuckers!!!" Sylver exclaimed. She has a psychotic look in her eyes while smirking at them.....While singing and swinging the ax; she saw the evil trio of the Vinsmoke Brothers and approached them! "Hey boys, did you miss me?" She purred. They noticed and taunted her. "Well hello beautiful!" Yonji called, wolf whistling. "Where were you hiding? In the asylum?" Niji tantalized. "Someone looks all crazy and pretty, too bad you can't hold your liquor. You got something up...." Ichiji mocked however Sylver screamed: "I WILL NOT STAND HERE QUIET!!!" Niji laughed while saying, "You hyped up?" He smirked. Sylver holds up the ax to the Vinsmoke trio of brothers while saying, "You can take my heart, my breath, when you pry it from my COLD! DEAD! CHESTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!" She swings the ax at them while chasing them around. She was mad with hysteria of anger and vengeance. "What the hell? Are you this crazy?!" Yonji asked. "Yeah? Wanna get on my level?" Sylver shouted. She continues to swing while laughing madly. Yonji, Ichiji and Niji dodged her but then, her ax grazed at their skins. Yonji has a cut on his cheek, Niji had one on his hand and Ichiji had a cut on his forehead. Sylver swung the ax while crooning to herself. And the recent footage plays: Sylver playfully swing on the pole and she did some faux moves of her arms behind her as she went down as she threw her hair back in a dramatic fashion and twirl on the pole. Sylver came back up, hands together on the pole and try to look sexy yet mysterious. Sylver dropped her knees to the floor and her hands to the sky. Sylver tossed her head and bend over backwards while her breasts could be seen but she wasn't exposed. Sylver was doing more dances as she climbed the pole while swinging her legs in the process and twirls around it. Sylver lets her chest bounced up for effect. During all the battles; Sylver hold onto the pole, she bends down seductively and comes back up while shaking her hips. She has a very impish smile on her lips as she grinds her hips against the pole while she clapped her hands to the rhythm. The footage ends with an X and a message in red like blood: "I know who you are and I saw what you did." Meanwhile; Rayna was in downtown and did she window shopping as she admired a pretty dress in the window. When Rayna looked in the reflection of the window, her heart dropped. She turned around and saw a blue haired, slim man. "You sent out that to us, didn't you? You pretended to be some guy but it was wasn't it?" Niji growled. Rayna shook her head, "No, I never do that. That's sick to think..." She started to say however Niji shoved her into the window. "Liar! No one goes against the Vinsmoke family!" He shouted. Rayna pushed him away hard and runs off. She found a ladder to the roof and climbed up. Rayna try to find a way to get into the building and hide but she saw those three coming so she kept running and she reached the ledge as she saw it was a long way down! Rayna lost her balance while she fell but then someone in dark purple came in and saved her. Rayna looked to see a statuesque woman with short black hair and she was gorgeous. Rayna smiled, "And you are...?" The woman smiled modestly, "Merlin. Boar Sin of Gluttony. A pleasure to meet you, Miss Hurst." She said as she landed on the roof while having Rayna with her. "It seems you boys are barking at the wrong tree." Merlin scolded. During the battle; Kaede is held hostage by Yonji and Niji as Ichiji threatens to bring great harm to her until Kaede realized those two have powers. She slipped from Yonji's grasp and touched Niji's arm. Then, she said: "Henry...NEEDLE!!!!" And shocked him with electric shocks from her. Yonji is stunned, Ichiji couldn't believe himself either by this sight. Kaede glowed blue while she still felt static shocks through her and incredible strength. "You guys made three mistakes....Mistake number one...You had the wrong hostage. Mistake number two: Your hostage is a Next. And mistake number three...I can copycat anybody's powers by touch. You picked on people long enough, who's laughing now?" She grins with excitement, she chased those bastards away until her powers warn off. Thinking quickly; Merlin uses her magic to teleported Rayna, Kaede and herself away from there.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2017 ⏰

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