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"I'm coming Alfred"

Arthur changed into black pants and sleeveless shirt along with a black hat with matching gloves. He sprinted to the door and started up the engine. Arthur drove after the tire tracks left by the other car. His grip tightened on the wheel, his knuckles turned white and drove faster. Now well over the speed limit, Arthur swerved away from civilization and arrived in an abandoned building. The place was ran down and falling apart, yet it seemed as if it wouldn't fall for the next year. Arthur sprinted towards the building, making sure not to be seen from any other men.

Arthur already knew what these men wanted. But he just didn't know why. They wanted to take over America, to get rid of him. He was, as a matter of fact, a strong country. The men searched for the easiest way to capture him. Their solution was Britain, for he was his guardian and his closest friend. If they just get permission from him, then it'd be a one way ticket to getting a hold of America. But of course, Britain refused. Although Alfred just had to step out of now where when their leader was present.

Arthur sighed in annoyance from the memory of Alfred's stupidity. He ran down the field and pressed himself on the building's wall. There were about five men standing by the entrance. Arthur slipped out both guns and held them in defense. His eyes then flickered towards a shine in a bush nearby. He pointed the two barrels at the bush for his own defense. Arthur's brows furrowed and squinted at what he could of sworn was blonde hair accompanied with a silver hair. Then, a pair of blue eyes gazed into his own.

"Is that-" Arthur started to himself, but stopped speaking and gawked at the Germans who stepped out.

Although the three had no such time to stand around. Ludwig and Gilbert dove back into the bush as footsteps were heard.

"Who's there!?" a voice spoke up, making multiple footsteps follow behind his own.

Arthur held his breath and prayed silently for them not to make a turn to were he hid. Although his prayer was denied as the men turned to his hideout. But strangely, they did not even spare a glance at him. They just came then turned back to where the other two countries hid. Arthur watched in fear and tried desperately to forgive out wether or not to help the two. There, after all, part of Axis not Allies. Arthur closed his eyes and shook the thought out and stepped out of the shadows. He pointed a barrel to the sky and shot it, earning the men's stares. Before they could react, Arthur aimed the two guns on one man and shot at his feet. He doubled back in shock as the Brit lunged and shoved him down. Ludwig and Gilbert watched wide eyed.

"Here catch!" Britain shouted and threw two guns at each of the nations.

Germany and Prussia immediately took action. Germany shot at the men's arms, although shooting one. Two others bolted towards him. Prussia managed to shoot around their feet, causing them to stumble back.

"Thanks..." he mumbled as they stood back to back, circling around three men while Arthur handled the last one.

"No problem bruder" Gilbert grinned and pulled the trigger on the opponent's shoulder. Ludwig did the same on the other's knee cap.

They turned to Arthur, who had just finished off the last man. He walked over to the two and slipped his two pistols back into his belt.

"What in the bloody hell are you two doing here?" he asked eyeing them suspiciously.

"They took Italy..." Germany murmured as fearfulness clouded his eyes.

"And you?" He questioned to Prussia who stood next to Ludwig and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"I wouldn't be the awesomest big bruder if I didn't come along" Prussia smile slightly.

Arthur nodded and placed his hand on his hips. He spun around and thought for a moment. He turned to the two again.

"Well than, I suppose we will have to stick together" Britain concluded.

"First, why are you here?" Ludwig questioned, regaining his usual stance and straight face.

"They took America too" he replied simply unwilling to speak about it further.

Arthur then flinched as he heard a crack behind them. All three eyes landed into the fields behind them, spotting a new and unexpected

"Wait who are you?!" The two Germans yelled out a bit confused.

"That's Canada you wankers!" Britain yelled and turned to him.

He seemed a bit surprised, too. But then sprinted towards Arthur with fear in his eyes.

"Where's America?" Mathew asked in a hushed and worried tone.

" taken away..." Arthur looked down guiltily. But raised his gaze at the other nation again with a slight smile as he placed a hand on Canada's shoulder. "But I'll find him, so go back with France"

"No!" Matt shouted suddenly and clenched his fist. He shook his head and stated determination "I'm going to find him! He's my family too!"

"Not on your own, Germany, Prussia and I are coming along" Arthur smiled and dug into his bag.

He tossed two pistols towards the Canadian. Matt fumbled a bit with it but soon got it correctly. The four than headed to the double doors, the entrance to the building in which America and Italy where taken to. Arthur snuck in first successfully and swiftly. Matthew went next, walking in unseen, as usual. Prussia went next, although not so stealthily. He stumbled right into one of the guards. Arthur, Matthew, and Ludwig face palmed as all three sprang into action. Ludwig stepped into view with his pistol in hand. Three guards attacked, letting Gilbert make the next move. He knocked two out with and elbow into their spine while Germany delt with the last one in one gunshot at his opponent's knee.

"God dammit Gilbert!" Ludwig scolded as his older brother give him a weak grin.

"The awesome me did it one purpose!" he declared and made a pose.

"Hey you wankers, we got more problems!" Arthur cut in, referring to quite bigger guards standing in the doorway were Alfred and Italy must be.


Gah this took long and it's not even long ;-; sorry... //le emo corner//

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2014 ⏰

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