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Sunday 10th March 1929
 New York City


The sun delicately shone across the sea of buildings, crowds of people rushing to their needed destinations. Two best friends sat on a bench as it creaked from their weight. I watched as they laughed, giggled, smiled and talked. "Ha!", "Laugh out loud!", "Oh my god, that's amazing!"; they were a small selection of the words they said. I couldn't help to think that they were showing off. My mind was corrupting me, torturing. "You're alone!", "You have no one!", "Loser!"; the words I remembered.

Flashbacks of my life appeared before me. People laughing at me, people judging me because of my appearance. No...I couldn't take it. My eyes glowed a red, my old life was the worst. Memories of how I lived in my past. Memories of my suicide. Memories of watching my non-existing funeral. Tears of blood streamed down my face. I couldn't take this torture no more.

I screamed, but it was another non-existing trait of mine. The two friends before me didn't hear; neither anyone else around the location. The only thing that was of consequence of my scream was the shadow before me. It grew as a crack in the earth, following a specific line of which I would only barely decipher where it went; to the friends before me...

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