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Secrets; They were a common occurrence in Lance's life. But out of all his secrets, there was one that he would never be able to share. If he did, his life would be over. If he'd risk letting loose his secret, he'd be risking his whole life and family.

You see, his kind aren't accepted kindly where he currently resides. His kind are often experimented on or tortured for information. His kind is alienated from human-touch. Pun intended.

Many wonder what secrets the Cuban boy holds. What thoughts plague the deepest reaches of his mind. What is it that causes him to experience fear on such a high level. They'll never know, not unless he were to tell them. Which he won't, because he enjoys what he has now and he does not want to lose it.

But perhaps, it would help if you saw everything from the beginning. Or rather, the moment he became Lance Mcclain.


The sky was a brilliant Prussian blue, with the stars of far of planets illuminating the night. The moon gave little to no light, but it was enough for a young boy to make his way through the dark unseen.

His panting was barely audible as he ran through the night. The sound of his feet hitting the ground obscured by the sirens that rang around him. The light from above would occasionally grasp onto his form, allowing him to be seen. His chestnut colored hair stuck to his forehead with sweat, just as his clothes were doing the same with his body. His brilliant blue eyes, the color of the ocean that he has yet to see, shone brightly in the dark. His nocturnal vision allowing him to move with ease as he escaped into the dark.

Around him, his world was being invaded by monsters. Their fangs and claws shone in the night, along with their blood red eyes. They were bulky, with strength beyond measure. He couldn't recall their race's name, but it sounded oddly like a growl if spoken correctly.

Blood littered the streets as screams rang out around him. His parents and older siblings were off fighting to protect their world, but he knew it was useless.

They were more advanced, sure, but they couldn't match up to the brute strength of their enemies. The most they could do? They might be able to hold them off long enough to allow some of the inhabitants to escape. He knew his parents and siblings wouldn't survive this, unless a miracle occurred. Which he knew wouldn't happen.

He had been prepared for this. He knew the way to the ships by heart, and the coordinates his family had settled on years ago rang through his head. Few would survive this ordeal, and even fewer would return to their planet after it had ended. Their species were doomed to reside elsewhere now, their home planet would be lost in the war.

The young boy made it to the ships just as an explosion rang out some ways behind him. No doubt it came from the barricade his family had built to keep them out for as long as possible. Now it was a race against time until his planet would be overrun. His parents and siblings had done well, but now their mission was over. They could rest in peace knowing they had done a good job. But now, it was his turn to complete his mission.

He pushed the glowing button on the nearest ship, getting it ready for departure. The boy looked behind him at the destruction. He wished his family had come with him, but he knew they wouldn't have even his he begged.

He tore his eyes away from the carnage and climbed into the ship, closing the hatch after he entered. There was a hissing from the ship, signaling it was almost ready to depart. There was enough provisions in this ship to last him up to a month if he provisioned them correctly. But as long as nothing happened to the ship he would make it to his destination before he runs out.

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