New Year In Derry

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   Your alarm startles you away as you finally start to fall alseep. You had spent your night painting your new walls to your attic room.
A chill seeped in from the old crooked windowsill.
   "Jeez! It's freezing..." you murmur to yourself. Your adopted parents wouldn't care anyways. All they wanted to do is screw around and make money. They just wanted a girl to dress up so you could represent them.
   "What time is it?" You ask yourself as you groggily look towards your clock.
   It was 6:30 and your bus get here at 6:35. Without a second thought, you jump out of your bed, throw on a saggy sweater, ripped jeans, pull on a beanie, grabbed your old bag and made it out just in time to make if for the bus!

 Without a second thought, you jump out of your bed, throw on a saggy sweater, ripped jeans, pull on a beanie, grabbed your old bag and made it out just in time to make if for the bus!

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   Today was a half day so now that school was out your free to sleep for the rest of the day or to paint near the quary. Accept, someone didn't think so.
   "Hey, got any cig?" You herd a rough voice behind you.
   "No....why?" You ask hesitantly.
   "Aw, what a shame..." He slowly walked away and herd 3 other guys start to question the gruff guys motives. It was the Bowers Gang.
   No matter, you decided to go to the Quary and paint the landscape.

You pull out your acrylics and canvas and get to work. You set up the stand and carfully place your canvas diagonal to you so it doean't block your view.
   The rustleing bushes behind you catch your attention and you just decide to ignore it. Then you hear it again.
   "What the heck?" You mummble, turnning around to face the trees.
   The infamous Bowers Gang appeared. What was hilarious was the fact that Henry Bowers was wearing pink and flowery swimming trunks and they all stopped dead in their tracks when they saw you.
   You and Henry locked eyes and the both of you blushed so hard that your faces felt so hot. When he snapped into reality, he realized that you could tell someone about this and he took action.
   "Patrick! Get her!" Patrick sprinted towards you and once you comprehended what was going on, you ran to the quarry edge. "Don't let her get away!" You her Henry bellow.
   It was like slow motion as you jumped, the air below you streamed against your hair and fingers. You felt free...but only for a second. You hit the water hard but you were okay. You started to swim to the shore untill you herd 4 more splashes and so you sped for it.
   You finally got to the shore and started to run untill you felt to other guys grab hold of your arms and you start to flail in pain at their grip.
   "Let's have fun...shall we?" Patrick licked his lips as he pulls out his pocket knife and leans in toward you.
   "STOP!" You herd someone yell...
It was Henry Bowers

*Part 2 coming like 3 hours cause I've got breaks in school*

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