Safe In Your Arms

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   You sat there in the snow, shivering, sobbing your heart out. You just wanted to go home. You sat up against a tree trying to undo the knots around your wrists with no success. Thinking hard, you decided to try to cut it over a sharp rock. It finally cut!
   "Alright, just warm up, warm up. It's cold, make a fire...HOW THE HELL DO I MAKE A GOD DAMNED FIRE!?" You yelled. Finally you just decided to walk around. Maybe find a light.
You walked for hours it seemed and your feet began to feel stiff. You lost hope and collapsed onto the snow and climbed towards a tree. But somthing spiked your hearing, you heard a belch...and then a few chuckles? You weren't sure. Maybe you were hallucinating, but you didn't care, they were needed warmth.
   Within a few steps, you see a fire and four boys around it. Your hope shot like a rocket towards the skies and you ran hard with the last of your strength towards the fire. You dropped and your knees skid on the snow in front of the fire as you huddled yourself around it. The boys were dumbfounded by you. They stopped what they were doing and took out their weapons like knives, hammers, or lighters and hair spray.
   You didn't care, you were about to get warm and nobody was gonna stop you.
   "What the Fuck!?" Patrick shouted. "Who the Fuck are you!?"
   "N-n-none of y-yo Damn, M-mothaf-f-f-fuckin business, b-b-bitch!" You shivered. They just stared at you.
   "Let's cut her..." Patrick mumbled. Henry laughed and pulled out hus knife without realising who you were. Belch and Vic took you by the shoulders and pinned you against a tree. You were too tired to fight, so your feet just dragged on the snow.
   Henry got close to you but it was darkish so he said, "Patrick, gimme a light!" Patrick happily obliged.
   As the flames from the hair spray and lighter shone your body, Henry caught a glimpse of your face and froze.
   "Hey, Why the hell did you stop man!?" Victor hissed at Henry.
   "I-I-I uh....n-nothin." He grumbled. Everyone was pressuring him to cut you. You saw the fear and regret cross through his eyes as you let a single tear fall onto your cheek, awaiting the pain.
   He lifted the side of your shirt trying not to cry, and hovered his knife above your side before Victor yells, "Common man! Just hurry the Hell up and be done with it!"
   Just then, Henry quickly stabs your side and tries to quickly get this over with. He then carved H.B into your side. You yelped in pain and squirmed even though you knew it would make it worse. He straighted his back and looked at you in your eyes. You both had tears over your clouded eyes.
   You knew he regretted every second of it. He didn't wanna hurt you. You were week, cold, in pain, and alone. Something in him made his heart clench, but he did what he does best. He hid his hurt and wiped his face pretending that his tears were sweat and walked away as Victor and Belch dropped you and Patrick closed his lighter and left.

 He hid his hurt and wiped his face pretending that his tears were sweat and walked away as Victor and Belch dropped you and Patrick closed his lighter and left

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2017 ⏰

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