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Third Chapter! sorry if it sucks!

Finn's POV

We went down stairs and realized that Rachel's dad where there,we didn't knew why

"Dads what are you doing here?"Rachel said confused

"Carol invited us for dinner"

We sat down and started eating dinner,my mom cooked a really delicious meal

"Carol this is very good"Rachel said pointing her plate with food

"Thanks honey"

"So finn,are you still in the football team?"Rachel's dad asked

"Yes,but the season starts in a few weeks"I said happy and Rachel smiled

The dinner time was so ankward,i didn't know why,but it was.Dinner finished and Rachel's dad left but Rachel stayed a little longer so we were in my room making out till i said:

"Rachel,when do you think we will have our first time togother?"

I lost my Virginity in sophmore year with Santana,a very big mistake,Rachel alredy knows

"What do you thing of doing it in my birthday,next week?"Rachel said smiling

"Sounds good" I said

A hour later Rachel went and I was alone in my room listening to music till my mom knocked the door

"Finn,next week we are going on a trip"She said

"What?Where?"I said

"To Texas,is your cousing's birthday"

"But mom next week is Rachel's birthday I have to be here"

"Sory Finn i alredy told your aunt we will be there"

"Ugh"I said and closed my door

How im gonna tell Rachel that I wont be here for her birthday?She wanted our first time that day!

Heyy sory it is short and the spelling mistakes,and for not updating😔If you have any suggestions feel free to send them :) hope you liked it vote,comment and keep reading

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