[25] Family

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(WARNING: SHORT CHAPTER AHEAD!!!!  ALSO:  I will be slowing down on updates because of 1: Multi, which is a group of dance teams (22 total I think) and I'm in three-  2: Mid Term Exams are coming up  3: Thanksgiving holiday with the fam!)

Areum's POV-

"I'm sorry. . . what?," I asked again, not believing my ears.  This boy just walks into this mansion, and casually says that he knows about my parents. . . HOW DOES HE KNOW ABOUT MY PARENTS?!?!?!?!?

"I know who your parents are," He answered gently, and the boys next to me made room for Luhan to sit beside me, "That's why I'm here.  Wanna-One called me up a while ago about the SM VS. 101 fiasco, and they've kept contact with me and several other artists that left the Big 3 agencies. . .  They talked to me a few days ago about you, and I decided to do some digging because the information they had on your past was interesting, and it kept eating away at me. . .  I finally realized that it was because I knew who your parents were! . . .   And sister and brother for that matter."

"Okay. . .," I responded, my brain still trying to process everything, ". . .so. . . Are you going to tell me about them?"

"Are you ready for me to do so?," Luhan asked with concern, "I'm aware that you're not exactly. . . stable- when it comes to talking about your actual family."

I breathed in and out to calm myself, and prepare myself for the conversation, "I'm ready."

"Well. . . alright then," Luhan pat my shoulder, "Let's start with your mother.-

-You're mother was a strong woman.  She loved dancing just like you, but her parents never allowed her to do such things. . . They made her focus on only academics.  Her name is Allison Lee, her father being American, her mother being Korean.  That's all you really need to know about her-. . . Now for your father:

Now Mr. Yoo, or formerly known as Oh Seungjoon.  He was very musically talented, and extremely good looking for a man of his time.  He'd play guitar, sing, dance, but he especially enjoyed rapping. . . He wanted to become an artist. . .," Luhan paused.

"What's wrong?," I asked, "Aren't you gonna continue?"

He nodded hesitantly, "You weren't the only child under them, Areum. . . First. . . your mother had an affair with another man, and gave birth to a baby girl: Choi SooYoung.  Your mother loved your daughter, but the man she had an affair with raised SooYoung, keeping her away from your mother. . .  Conveniently, her father's last name is the same as your mother's so that cut our my investigation time in half.  Later on, your mother and father met, and got married after a few years of knowing each other.  Back then, your parents stuck with the family name 'Oh,' and your mom gave birth to Oh Sehun."

Why do these names sound so familiar?  I took a glance at the expressions of Wanna-One, and all of their faces had darkened or were adorned with glares.  Do they not like the people that are half/step siblings?

"Moving on," Luhan started again, "Remember when I said your mother and father loved to dance and rap?"  I nodded  "Well. . . they expected Sehun to love those things too.  Luckily for him, he did.  He especially liked dancing, rapping was just something he did in his spare time.   . . . Do these names ring a bell to you?"

I shook my head, "No. . .not really. . . I feel like I've heard of them though."

"Okay, well. . . Oh Sehun and Choi SooYoung are gang members under SM Entertainment," Luhan informed me, and I'm pretty sure my eyes were as wide a saucers.

"You're- you're kidding, right?," I questioned in disbelief.

"I'm sorry, but I'm not-"

"Does Sehun or SooYoung know about me?," I interrupted, "Do they know about me being related to them?"

"That's a possibility, but I'm not to sure myself," the deer scratched his antl- head, "When I was still under SM, the two didn't know they were siblings yet. . ."

"Okay. . . Keep going," I urged.

Luhan sighed and complied, "When Sehun was scouted for SM, at first he failed the audition, and your parents, being music and performance lovers, were ashamed of him.  They practically lived vicariously through him, and they didn't realize that idols = gang members. . . I don't think they realize it even now.   . . . Anyways, Sehun made an effort to not disappoint his parents so he auditioned multiple times at the company. . .but he kept failing. . .  Eventually, your parents 'disowned him' at the age of 14. . .   He still lived with them, but they didn't acknowledge him outside of the house, and they changed their last name, but not his."

"But wait. . . wouldn't that mean he's 30 right now?  Or 31?," I asked, "I don't think Sehun's that old yet. . .  It just doesn't add up. . . where was I?"

"Well. . . your mom and dad didn't have financially stable jobs when you were born so. . . They set you on the doorstep of the Kangs, Seulgi's family.  They were close friends with the parents, and they knew that they would take good care of you, so they left you with them."

". . . Did they ever intend to come back?. . ."

"I-. . . I don't know that. . . mian (sorry)," Luhan apologized.

"You don't have to say sorry," I 'smiled,' ". . . Are they both still alive?"

". . .Yes. . ."

". . . . . . . I think. . . I'm going to head to my room. . .to clear my thoughts," I stood up, "Please excuse me. . .," I walked away from the living and up the staircase towards my bedroom.

This time, no one called my name. . .

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