Chapter Two

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I feel kind of guilty about doing this, but my curiosity wins over common sense. I head towards where I last heard the voices, and I hear them again, clearer this time.
I'm shocked by how furious that one word sounds. I can tell it's a girl, and I wonder who she's so mad at. My question is almost immediately answered.
"Aki, cal-"
"Don't 'Aki' me! I should kill you right here and now for what you've done!"
Jeez, what did this guy do?
"Just calm down and let me explain-"
"There's no excuse for what you've done to us, Jackson!"
I finally get close enough to see, but I remain hidden behind a building and look at the scene before me.
There's a girl, her back to me, so I can't tell what she looks like, aside from her long reddish hair. One thing I can tell is that she's ticked. She's yelling at this guy who looks about her age, who's facing towards me, but luckily doesn't see me because he's too focused on the girl.
"Fine. Akiza, let me explain."
"There's no excuse to make me forgive you."
"Akiza, I had to!"
"You didn't have to! You chose to throw us all into this game!"
"Jackson, you should just go..."
That voice is new. I look and see another girl who looks about the same age as the other two. She's really pretty, her hair dyed green and blue.
"Tessa... I thought I told you to go."
"I'm sorry Jackson! It's just... eventually someone's gonna start throwing punches and I don't want anyone to get hurt. We are all stuck in this game together anyway."
The other girl- Akiza- laughs. "Wow. He never told you."
"Akiza-" He brushes his brown hair out of his eyes. "She doesn't need to know. Your issue is with me. There's no need to drag Tessa into this."
"She deserves to know you've been lying. Your pathetic attempt at a memory wipe didn't quite work on me, Jackson. I remember every last detail about how we all were put here."
"Jackson, what's she talking about?" The green and blue haired girl seems suspicious all of a sudden.
"Tessa, just go."
"Oh no, please stay, Tessa. You should know that Jackson was the one who pulled you into this game. In fact, HE PUT ALL OF US HERE!"
"Tessa, she's lying and you know it-"
"Don't try to BS your way out of this one, Jackson. I remember everything!"
"SHUT UP!" He yells, and charges at the girl. This almost seems like a different person from before.
He's the first one to start throwing punches, but Akiza seems to be doing just fine, even making a few comments about his fighting skills.
"Predictable. Knew you would try that. Stop charting your punches already!"
"STOP!" The other girls screams. She runs forward and tries to separate them, only to be pushed back by the boy.
"Stay away, Tessa!" He yells. He leaves himself unguarded for just a moment to say that, and Akiza lands a solid punch to his jaw.
"Never let your guard down, Jackson! It's the only thing that's kept me alive until now!" She says, taking a few steps back, apparently letting him recover. He attempts to hit her, but she ducks and lands another hit. Ouch... he's definitely going to have a black eye for a while.
"Like I said stop charting your punche-" somehow, he manages to hit her in the stomach. She stumbles back, gasping, but then laughs. "Let's try that again."
I take the moment to assess the situation. The girl has a cut on her cheekbone, but it looks like it was already there, but the boy just reopened it when he hit her. I can see a few bruises forming on her arm, but she seems to still be okay. The boy in the other hand... I can already see the black eye forming, and he seems a little more banged up than she is. She seems to be getting a little tired though, while he still looks okay. I feel like I should help... but who should I help?


Another chapter! I want to thank Erin-Wayne for voting as she is soooo nice and supportive

PS: I gave my friend Kora the character Tessa, so she belongs to me.

You'll meet her next chapter!

The GameNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ