Be the Hero

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Be the hero, not the bully. Just remember that you are not alone. You are loved by your friends and family and you can make a difference to stop bullying and stand up to it. Don't be afraid to tell someone if you're getting bullied because at the end of the day you will win if you take action. Be the hero and not only stand up for yourself, but others as well. Spread the positive vibes and stop negativity.

Ignore the haters and the bullies. You are "bullyproof". Don't let their words and negativity bring you down. You are stronger than the bully. Laugh at the things that try to bring you down because they are not true. Stay above the influence and don't let the haters bring you down with them. Remember these things when being the hero, not the bully.

We all have haters. People will tell you that you are not good enough. That you are dumb. That you are ugly. That you are not cool. When you hear these negative things, you will remember that they are not true, and instead you will focus on the positive. This is why the hero always wins. Because you know who you truly are and what you are capable of. You are beautiful, cool, unique, and most importantly you are worth it. So, be yourself and don't let the bully change you into someone you are not. You are strong and you are a piece of the world's puzzle that makes the world go around.

Don't ever give up on yourself and your dreams. You are can do anything you put your mind to. Don't let the negativity keep you back. Instead, let the positive keep you going. If you ever forget to stay positive, take a piece of paper and write down the things you are grateful for. Write down your accomplishments and any compliments you have received. Those are the only things that matter and the haters just wish they had what you do.

To be honest, there is a reason why haters hate. They tell you the things they do and try to bully you because they have nothing better to do. Do not let that distract you. You have a lot to do. You have the power to create more heroes than bullies. You have dreams to live. You have places to go. You have a life to live to the fullest!

Be the hero and not the bully. The hero always wins. You are already a winner which is why people try to hate. All you have to say is "later haters." They can't phase you. Your journey to become the hero starts now. Focus on yourself and the bullies and hate will fade away. You are what matters. You are a part of this world for a reason. You can make a difference. The time is now and we can ignore the bullies one by one. You are a hero. 

We teamed up with AT&T and Later Haters to write an entry for the #LaterHaters Writing Contest. Check out the contest page here: Enter for a chance to meet us! #ad

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2017 ⏰

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