Chapter 1: The Story Unfolds

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I'm Jessica and I'm a high school teen. Here's where it gets unusual, I have superpowers and I can read minds. Now that's unusual but for me it's hard to live every day, I know everyone's secrets and sometimes it's gets me into trouble.

I walked down the hall with my head high, I was excited about finally getting to go to highschool. "Stay calm, stay calm" I repeated over and over again to myself. Then out of nowhere I had the sudden urge to just squeal, I let out a big squeal and everyone around me thought I was insane. Well that's normal for me, I'm kinda the geeky weirdo kid. I sprinted towards the window which had our schedules on it. I sighed softly, "Mr.York." He was the residential butthole of physical education.

Then I saw a kinda close friend, her name's Jamie and super sweet but she's also popular so we don't really hang out. Then I looked to the left and saw, Jeremy McAdams. He's such a dream boat but he's way out of my league.

He was walking towards, Annette she was the super popular girl in the the school she made the boys go gaga. I gasped sarcastically like I didn't expect it, but I'm a mind reader of course I know that was going to happen.

I zoomed into his mind, what could he be thinking about? Well, he was thinking about Annette and him going on a date at the park. I can only assume they are dating. I walked down the hall then turned to the bathroom I walked in a closed the door. I opened the stall door and went in. I heard the door open, I recognized those shoes those are Annette's.

Annette was giggling about god knows what. I zoomed into her mind, why was there an image of her beating up someone? I couldn't make out who she was beating up, their face was to blurry. Annette walked out, and I slowly followed. I shut the door I walked to my class. First period which was of course taught by Mr.York, the physical education teacher I was talking about earlier.

I was having a good day, not alot of conversations because i am basically a loner. "Lunch"  i said smirking. So far I liked highschool, and the cafeteria food was much better then middle school food. I also think the cafeteria is cleaner, those stupid janitors worked so hard and then kids would just ruin it.

I sat down, alone, unaware that someone would sit down next to me. He sat down and said "My name's Timothy, and u seem really lonely so wanna be friends?" He said it which such demand I had to accept "Sure" I said awkwardly.

So he's actually really cool and such a great person to talk to. He said that he was kinda a loner too. We were giggling alot, no more like screaming and crying. It's the most fun I've had for a while, and turns out he has some of my classes.

Then school ended, I sighed softly. But I raced home to go and text Timothy. I kinda fell in love with him, but not in a romantic way. I giggled starring at my phone. I said out loud "So true haha." That concludes my glory of the the first day of highschool.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2017 ⏰

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