Chapter : 6

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Y/n P.O.V

So I'm in art right now and a few minutels later Dwayne walked into the class like 10 minutes late and the teacher started complaining then they were arguing for another like 10 minutes then he spotted me and sat next to me but he was a little too close.

Dwayne : hi y/n


Y/n : hi Dwayne, are you high?

Dwayne : yeah babe but I'm good

Y/n : umm Dwayne were not dating

Dwayne : yes we are

Y/n : no were not

Dwayne : *kisses you passionately then pulls away* how about now * flashes a cute smile*

Y/n : *smiles * no

Dwayne : and why not

Y/n : cause it's the first day, plus I heard some bad stuff about you

Dwayne : from who

Y/n : sorry can't say

Dwayne : and why not

Y/N : Cause I'm not a snitch

Dwayne : well can you at least tell me what this person said

Y/n : the person said you were a player and some other stuff

Dwayne : oh really well don't believe the cause rumors are made by haters spread by fools and accepted by idiots

Y/n : so you are calling me an idiot

Dwayne : oh  no but if you believe them you are kind of dumb for that , but all things aside what do you think of me

Y/n : I think your ok and all

Dwayne : that's it

Y/n : yup

Dwayne : *chuckles * you probably lieing

Y/n : I'm not


Y/N : and it's time for me to go

Dwayne : wait up

I walked out the class to see Malak standing in front of the door waiting for me oh yeah we got gym then we go home

Dwayne : oh Malak what are you doing here

Malak : walking my best friend to gym

Dwayne : oh really I got gym right now

Malak : yeah I know

Dwayne : well i'll see you at gym Y/n

Y/n : alright bye

Dwayne : where is my hug

I hug Dwayne and he did the most inappriate thing he grabbed my ass I slap him on his arm really hard like how dare you and he started laughing and left with his friend.

Missing Feeling  ( Y/N and Malak Watson )Where stories live. Discover now