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This was a completely random idea I came up with just before I went to bed and had to write. Basically, it's set at certain points in time during Tsuna's life and focuses on his feelings. Well, I hope you enjoy.

Disclaimer: I do not own KHR. All rights go to Akira Amano.


Cold. That was strange. Why was I cold. I had never felt this cold before. Why was it so cold? Where did that warmth that always accompanied me go? The warmth that would never leave me. I felt so empty. So...incomplete. Like a piece of my soul had been taken. What happened? Maybe it was because of that thing that came near me. What did Kaa-san call it? A dog. It's not my fault I got scared when the dog came. Maybe it saw that I was weak and took the warmth away from me. Will it take everything I have left if I go near it?

Maybe it was that man that said he was my father. I remember him picking me up. Or maybe that other man, the old one. Maybe it was his fault. No, he was too nice. It was probably just the dog. Maybe if I stay away from it, it will give that warmth back to me. Maybe I'll ask Kaa-san. Maybe she can help. No, never mind. She won't understand what I'm talking about. I think I'll just stay quiet. Maybe the warmth will come back. In the meantime, I'll just get used to the cold.


It gets colder by the day. Then again, it's winter. Maybe it's just the air. My body feels so strange though. As if it's missing a leg. I can barely walk without tripping now. I try to control it, but now I can't look at someone with squeaking and running away. The warmth hasn't come back. The other day, I tripped in front of the entire kindergarten and now no can take me seriously. I can't seem to understand the teachers either. Every time I try to pay attention, that cold feeling creeps up my bones and makes me feel incredibly sleepy. When I get up from my spot, it feels like I'm walking on ice, making me slip. People have started to call me Dame-Tsuna. Maybe their right. Maybe if I wasn't so Dame, the warmth would have never left me.

I just hope that one day, it comes back.


I'm in middle school now. The name Dame-Tsuna has completely stuck to me. It doesn't help that even the teachers have decided that I'm a lost cause. Near my house, there is a dog. I don't know why, but every time I see it, I freak out and run.

Over the years, I have gotten used to that cold feeling that creeps through my bones. No matter how hard I tried, the warmth never returned. I accepted the fact that I will live the rest of my life, feeling like I'm missing half of myself. I stopped questioning it long ago, though. The cold feeling. Kaa-san isn't worried at all. When I told her, she said that it was probably just a minor cold. She showed no signs of concern. I decided that telling her won't change anything.

I guess that's why I complain about almost everything, though. I don't want to deal with anything too hard. Living a normal life is hard enough when you feel cold, permanently.

My grades are as bad as you can get them. I barely managed a D this term. Even my teacher makes fun of me. It's not my fault though. It's the cold that lulls me to sleep every lesson, whispering in my ear.


When my 'tutor' shot me with his gun the first time, a strange feeling entered me, and for the first time, I didn't feel cold. It didn't last long though and soon I was back to my slow, dame self. It happened every so often after that. A strange feeling for a moment, before the cold, returned. It wasn't really comforting. To me, it felt like an insult. Something that I wanted my entire life to be right in front of me, only for it to disappear again. It was painful. It hurt. But I kept it all in. No one would care. After all, I was Dame-Tsuna.


We were in the future when it happened. The ring around my neck lit up with sky flames, A strange feeling covered my entire body, and it took me a moment to catch up. I felt complete. It was such a foreign feeling at first that if my opponent wasn't taking a breather, I would have been killed. For the first time, I didn't feel cold. My mind was clear for the first time. I saw everything clearly. I felt light like a million weights had just been pulled off my body. Weights that I had had on for so long that I had stopped noticing them.

It felt nice. For the first time, I could move without the feeling of missing a limb. It was a strange contrast to the cold feeling I was used too, but it was amazing. And this time, when I fell into unconsciousness from the pain in my shoulder, the feeling didn't leave me. It stayed. That is when I knew.

The warmth was back. I was finally complete once again.

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