Vampblood Academy

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When I was 5 I had knowledge about vampires. My dad swore he saw one before and tries to capture one, but can't. My mother left us because she thought my father was crazy. My dad was confined in a mental hospital because he believed in vampires and for the same reason; they thought he was crazy.

I'm Janeia Hathaway. I'm 15 and up until now I'm crazy obsessed with vampires, I currently live with my mother and my stepfather, you can technically say I hate them, but I have my brother, right by my side, so I don't mind if I love with those jerks.

Domn Hathaway. My brother from my real dad. He's nice and all, At school he's so popular because of his looks, charms, brains and everything. Girls go gaga over him. He was the hunk of our school, but they cant really see Domn for who he is, He has a very nice personality but girls in our really don't care about those stuff anyway.

I only have three important people in my life, and heck my mother isnt a part of it, She isnt even worthy of being called a mother, She left her family because of her pride, And other sane people leave their family because of real problems like money problems, But her? She left us just because she was weirded out because of my dad, The third most important person in my life is my best friend Ella.

Ella Castille. My only bestfriend, I socialize to alot of people but Ella was the only person I call best friend

Ella and Domn were the greatest people behind my back next to my father. They were the only person I can trust. They were the only person that understands me, They know me from head to toe, inside and out. They were my guardians and everything.

- FALL -

'Janeia's P.O.V.'

It's fall. No more spring, no more pretty flowers, no more sunlight and no more sparkly vampires. Fall is the season I was born, And tomorrow is my birthday. I'm turning 16, I hate birthdays and I hate surprises. I decided to visit my dad at the mental institution. And when I got there I saw Domn and Ella talking to my father.

"Domn, After the party you must immediately change her."

"But how can we transform her in front of all those people in the party?" Domn asked.

"We should stall her." Ella stated.


"After the party we must-" Ella stopped

"What Ella?" My dad asked

"She's here." Domn said

I took a deep breathe and thought of what they said, I can't think of anything. I think it will be just a prank. You know dads, bestfriends and brothers.

I showed myself and walked towards dad, Ella and Domn pretending I didn't heard a word they're saying.

"Hi guys." I said as I walked towards them

"Happy Advanced Birthday Darling" My dad greeted warmly

"Thanks dad."

"I'll be going now. I still want to plan something. I'll text you the details Domn" Ella waved goodbye.

"Hey." I whispered "You like her don't you?"


"Then why are you with her?"

"We were planning something."

"Yeah right" I crossed my feet, and gave him the look.

"I'll just wait outside."


"Dear, You must promise me something."

"What will I promise?, That I'll dream about hot naked guys and unicorns and enjoy my party?"


"Oh." I said with a smile "What will I promise this time.

"Your going to trust Domn and Ella"

"But I alrea-"

"Something will change after your party dear and I promise I will be there with you."

"But dad how?"

"Just promise me this dear, And will be there"

The nurse appeared "I'm sorry but we need to take his shots now."

"Ok. Bye dad" I waved goodbye and saw Domn

"Where are we going today?"



"Tomorrow is your big day. Go for your beauty sleep like that Princess sleeping beauty."

"Are you really going to ignore me."


"Today's the last day of me being and 15 year old. Tomorrow I'm 16 and I'm growing up already. I'll change."

"Ok fine, let's go to the arcade."

"Yey! Thanks Domn!" I kissed him in the cheek.


I'm tired. I fell asleep in the car. Domn didn't want to wake me up so he carried me. And when he stepped inside outside of the house. I saw our mom. Domn left me in the couch.

"Where have you been?!"

"The Arcade." Domn said


"Well yeah, didn't I just said it"


"Well we didn't."

I heard them arguing in the kitchen. I stood up and walked towards the kitchen. I looked at the time 11:42

"What's going on here? I popped in

"And you! Do you realized that this time of night your endangered."

"For what?"

"Your head is full of myths, Myths like you father cares about."

"Mom stop" Domn said

"No let her Domn, let her give the speech about our father, Her ex husband. My father."

"How dare you say that right to my face. I'am your mother."

"A mother who left me, Domn and dad because you think dad was a creep."

"Janeia-" Domn shouted

"No Domn first let me finish." I paused. "You left us for 9 years and one day you just come and pick us up and drag here to your home and live with you and your boyfriend."

"Janeia I'm so sorry." Mother cried

"Sorry. Doesn't begin to cover it mom. Your still lucky that I still have respect for you and that boyfriend of yours. Your both lucky that dad is in the hospital because if he isn't, I'm going to be a badass."

My stepfather suddenly yelled at me.

"Janeia Hathaway that's enough. You have disrespect your mother. Go to your room at once."

"Yeah, there's no compliment in there somewhere!" I paused and looked at the clock 12:00 "Oh and by the way Happy Birthday to me."

I ran upstairs and cried. Domn followed me.

"Hey, Why are you crying?"

"Oh god. Your asking me why am I crying. Did you not just see the drama that just happened 30 seconds ago.?"

"I did."

"And then why are you asking?"

"Because 16 year olds cry for concert tickets and hunks like me."

"Yeah like your that hot to me."

"Am I not?" He said while posing a sexy post.

"Oh. My eyes are burning!"

"Yeah right."

I yawned.

"Your tired, Get some sleep kiddo"

"Goodnight Domn"

"Goodnight baby sister. I love you."

"I love you too."

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