CH. 1 | School Amends

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"Funneh, Funneh!" An annoying voice woke me up so suddenly. "Wake up, or you get it." I stood up, knowing that this idiot will tickle me to death if I stay in bed.

"Fine, why did you even wake me up in the middle of the night?" I ask. "What do you mean, 'middle of the night'? It's like 5 am, dumbass."

"I woke you up early so we can prepare for highschool. Go and shower. I already prepared breakfast because mom left early for work." my brother, Zak said. "Heard she was called in for an emergency at the hospital again."

Hello, I guess? I'm Funneh Carder. Adopted daughter of Rose Carder and Aaron Carder. And of course you've met my brother. Life is rough when you're surrounded by an idiot everyday. Just kidding, I'm happy to have him as my brother.

"Hey, stop spacing out and go shower!" "Okay, okay." I respond. Zak leaves the room. I go undress and go into the bathroom and shower.

After a few minutes...

I got out of the shower and dried off.
I open the wardrobe and grabbed the uniform from my new school, Brooklore High. It was a white shirt with the school logo, a maroon skirt, and a maroon overcoat.

I kinda liked the outfit but I decided to add on a red headband I used to wear during middle school. I took my blue backpack and went outside my room.

I went downstairs to see two plates on the table; one with pancakes and syrup, and one with crumbs. Huh, he never washes his dishes. I love him and all, but sometimes, he's too lazy to even take care of this house.

I sat down and ate the pancakes. I walk outside and see him texting someone.. wait, I thought he had no friends? Finally got out of his comfort zone, huh. "Aww, Zakky's not lonely anymore~"

"Shut up.. " I can tell he's embarrassed. huehue (lol)

"Make sure to lock the front door. Anyways, here's your lunch money." He said, handing out a $20 bill.

I took the money and locked the front door. We started walking to school since the school's yard is in front of our house. As we were walking down the street, I checked the time; 5:56 am.

Truth be told, I have never been this early before. I usually wake up near the time the school bell rings and I regret doing that ever since because I got tardy so many times.

After walking which felt like hours, we finally arrived. "We made it, Brooklore High." I exclaimed.

No one was around. Other than the school guards, school staff and us, it was still at sunrise.

No student dared to go early and would rather wake up late or on time since most of them sleep at midnight due to nonsense partying.

I put down my backpack on one of the gates' tables. I took out a brochure  and a map that barely fit in the backpack.

The brochure was filled with loads of information about the highschool, including some info about every school tradition. One tradition caught my eye.

"Crowning of the Intelligent"

"What does that even mean?" my brother asks, peeking his head on the brochure. "It says, The Crowning of the Intelligent is a tradition that involves the 50 smartest students to compete in challenges and in each round, 5 get eliminated. There are exactly 10 rounds. In the top five, one of them is gonna take home the school's diamond crown till the end of summer break." I read through.

"It also says it starts near the end of the school year." "That tradition sounds soo cool! From now on, I'll start studying harder than ever!" my brother exclaimed.

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