Chapter Eighteen - Ashley

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Chapter Eighteen



I write to you with a heart filled with such terrible sadness. I’ve just spent an hour calling out to you, but you are gone. I have no strength left. I was barely able to make my way down to my old bedroom, but here I am. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you about our secret home sooner. It seemed important before. It does not now. If you understood my pantomime before our final moment together, you knew to search for the door and are now reading this letter. I pray you did understand me, Michael. We were not able to say goodbye. I think that this is what makes me so sad. I couldn’t kiss you one last time. Couldn’t tell you again that I love you.

The time we’ve had together is something that shines brighter than anything else in my life. I fear that I will not be around much longer, my love. I’m sure this is why you found no trace of me in your time. I know that I’m dying. I overheard the doctor say this to Sarah’s father a few weeks ago. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you. I tried to a few times, but I just couldn’t do it.

I can think of no better place to put this note than here in my room. I imagine that you will find it. I picture you here, sitting on my bed.

I’m so weak, Michael. I’m glad you can’t see me now. When we were together… how long did that last? There’s no way to describe it. When everything was done, when the crazy lights and rushing of places was over, I felt that all my remaining strength was gone. Now, I can barely write these words, but I must. For you. For goodbye. I will always love you, Michael. I know that someday, somehow, we will be together again. Believing this makes leaving you now a little easier.

Now I have your kind, sweet face in my mind and heart. You will always be with me.

Goodnight, my love.

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