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When school was over, Kataleya hurried out of the class and headed for her home, not caring to wait for Moloch.

Her first day of school in Stockholm went pretty badly. The others had been staring at her the whole time and she could hear jokes about "certain disabilities" being cracked every now and then. Although none of them were said to her directly, the comedians were talking loud enough for her to hear. But she decided not to attack anybody unless she'd have to do it in self-defense.

Kirsten had told her a few times before she moved there, that Stockholm was the dream city of every teenager: busy night life, fun people and so on. At that moment, the reality was a bit different than the description. Or if she was right about that city after all, then the dreadhead was thrown into the school that fun people were running away from.

Moloch received pretty much the same treatment, apart from the disability jokes. Maybe his class mates were also making fun of him, but he didn't hear anything and what was unknown to him could do him no harm.

The two of them met again at the Ek house in the afternoon. There, they found Joakim waiting for them in the kitchen, with food on the table. Each of them took a seat and the meal began.

"So how's your days been?", the man asked.

As Kataleya decided to remain silent, the boy was the one to answer: "The others made fun of me at the beginning, but it was ok apart from that."

Joakim nodded and turned his head to the girl, hoping she eventually decided to speak as well. However, she seemed to be giving both of them the silent treatment for some reason. He wondered for a few moments if it would be a good idea to insist that she should talk, but shook the plan away, being quite certain that it would not turn out successful.

So they ate in silence once again. Afterwards, Moloch announced that he was going to meet up with a friend and left.

As he said that, Kataleya felt a pang of jealousy. How did that guy manage to make friends with somebody? And if he could do it, why was she not able to find a buddy as well? Was she really a worse person than him?

And there she went again, trying to decide if it were better to assume he was just lucky or to face the fact that she was the least likeable out of the two.

Defeated and disappointed, she looked down at the plate which was now empty. As empty as her social life so far. She smiled sadly.

Joakim brought her back to reality by taking the plate without warning. Startled, Kataleya looked at him.

"Did you do something about it?", he asked while putting the dishes in the dishwasher.

"About what?"

"Moloch just said his colleagues made fun of him. Did you try to explain them that he has a hard time communicating?"

She shrugged, "Didn't know 'bout that."

The man scoffed.

"I don't even know where his class is!"

Joakim turned towards her, displeased with the answer, and putting both hands on his hips he lectured, "What did we agree on?"

Suddenly, the feeling of disappointment inside the dreadhead turned into indignation. How nice of him that he couldn't care less about his own granddaughter! And in addition, he was also using her to babysit that weird guy when he couldn't!

I don't remember agreeing on anything, she mentally sneered.


"I get bullied a lot too, y'know?", she changed the subject, subtly trying to make him feel sorry for the lack of interest he'd showed for her.

"This is the risk when you choose to look more excentric.", he explained blankly, "You should expect negative feedback too when you refuse to go with the flow."

Ah, pouring salt in the wound- what a great way to comfort people. The dreadhead couldn't have asked for better advice.

"Last time I checked, it wasn't me who chose the mongoloid face.", she spat bitterly and jumped up from the table.

Mr. Ek was slapped across the face by the fact that Kataleya was also outcasted from society because of something she hadn't chosen, namely her unusual facial features, and started to feel sorry for what he'd said. He was still pretty sure that she was somewhat faulty in the relationship with the others, but that was off topic. What mattered at the moment was to gain the girl's trust if her sympathy was too much to ask for.

"Kata!", he called.

The only response he received was the sound of a slamming door.

In the meantime, Moloch and Juho arrived to the older boy's flat.

"Want some beer?", Juho asked, taking one from the fridge for himself.


Moloch had never drank anything alcoholic and was really curios what it tasted like. Seeing lots of people drink it convinced him that it was a beverage he should consume as well.

His friend quickly returned to him and handed him a bottle. He took a small sip and grimmaced. Beer was so bitter!

Juho giggled, "You'll get used to it."

The younger one nodded and took another sip. Although he was now familiar with the taste, he still didn't like it. How long does it take to get used to beer anyway?

"So...", Juho initiated a conversation, "You said something about meeting your psychiatrist's granddaughter."

"I did."

"And d'you fuck her yet?", he smirked suggestively, intending to make the joke seem more convincing.

But Moloch seemed to have taken it seriously.

"Ain't in love with her."

The other one rose an eyebrow. What was he talking about?

"Huh? But you don't have to be in love with a girl to have sex."

The albino widened his eyes in surprise. Now that was some piece of news!

"For real?", he inquired. By the tone, one could tell he was still in shock.

"Course. Those are only fairytales."

"Then how does the whole thing work?"

Juho laughed briefly. He never imagined himself explaining intimate relationships to anybody; particularly who a young man who was almost his age.

"Well, uhm... the whole shit is more based on need and uhm... instinct. Doesn't really have to do much with the sentimental part, you get me?", he told, "So, you don't really fuck someone 'cause you're madly in love with them."


Juho rubbed the back of his head and grinned awkwardly, "There's more reasons. Maybe you wanna get rid of the stress you've pent up lately, or... don't know... to disconnect from reality for a while maybe? Or just 'cause it feels nice."

The 'novice' nodded, letting the other boy know that he processed the information he'd been given.

"You should try it.", Juho advised.

"I guess."

So, if one didn't have to love the person they were having an intercourse with, then Moloch could try it with Kataleya too, right? He was pretty sure that a few minutes away from the real world would do her good as well. Ok, but how was he going to get her to agree to take part? There had to be a solution.

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