I need you!

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Chapter two
Ellie was about to call her grandmother then she remembered they had a big argument about Ellie's choice to live in the artic she had no-one to go to she was actually scared. So she called her brother Mark  he said she was lying so she called her sister Candy and she came straight away. After the call Ellie went to get ready to look nice because she forgot that she was a wolf so oh lord . When her sister got there Ellie was asleep in the bath! She almost drowned so her sister woke her up before she did. They spoke for a while then Ellie burst out with tears saying "I need you"
Over and over until late at night. Her sister Candy stayed the night and in the morning she was dead "ahhh what happened" Shouted Ellie. Then she noticed the blood was all over her claws. And five deep bites on her sisters neck she was a monster in her eyes anyway but remember her brother ,Mark, he was also a werewolf and snuck in when Candy went into the bathroom to wake up Ellie ,he hid under the bed and got out when they were both asleep and he killed Candy to make sure Ellie moves he was ordered to by their grandmother so Ellie would move away but she didn't she wanted to keep away from everyone so she doesn't 'kill' anyone will her brother strike again or will their grandmother or will they back off ?

long enough for ya ;)

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