The Mortician's Daughter

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Finally! My first story idea EVER since I joined Wattpad! Other stories I have posted here are ideas that I had before I joined wattpad. :D So obviously, this is a Black Veil Brides story. Hope you guys like it. :) Dedicated to Cataclysm. Thanks for the amazing cover! :D

|~*~Die For You~*~|

Cincinnati, Ohio

Summer 2008

Arella Swift turned and ran from her boyfriend while laughing.

“Hey come back here with my kiss, Arella!” Andy Biersack, or how he liked to call himself 'Andy Six', yelled after her. He sprinted towards her.

She ignored him and kept running despite already losing speed from laughing too hard. She heard the sound of footsteps on the pavement behind her and knew that Andy was gaining on her. Curse his long gazelle legs. Arella thought. She turned her head to see his black hair flowing wildly because of the wind. She attempted to speed up, but Andy caught her before she could.

He grinned down at her. He was only sixteen (almost seventeen in December), but he was tall for his age; 6 feet tall. Arella was fifteen (sixteen in August) and was pretty short just being 5'3. He attempted to kiss her, but before he could, Arella tickled his sides. His blue eyes, lined with eyeliner like hers, shot open and he started to laugh uncontrollably. His grip on Arella loosened as he reached for his sides, trying, but failing to get his girlfriend to stop tickling him. He crouched down more, still trying to get her to stop. When he did this, Arella yanked her hands back and ran away once again.

Andy stood there for a few seconds and tried to steady his breathing before taking off for her. And just like earlier, he caught her again. Arella reached to tickle him again, but Andy grabbed her hands before she could. He leaned in close to her left ear and whispered. “Not this time.” He leaned into her and was about to capture her lips with his. Just as he was getting dangerously close to her lips, Arella turned her head so he got her cheek instead. He felt his lips make contact with her cheek. He pulled back and groaned. “Not cool Arella. You know what I want.”

“Alright, alright.” she rolled her eyes playfully at him. She met his lips with her in a short kiss. Then she pulled back. “That better?”

He pecked her lips again before replying, “Much better.” He noticed the sun had started to set and said, “Why don't we go to my place before it gets darker? Besides, I've got something to show you.”

“Sure.” Arella grinned.

They were already on his street, so they walk to Andy's house wasn't far. Once they were there, Andy put his key into the lock and the door opened. He and Arella went into the kitchen to find his parents there.

Arella smiled, “Hi Mr. and Mrs. Biersack.” she said.

Amy Biersack looked up from the dishes she was washing. She quickly dried her hands and greeted Arella with a hug. “Hi Arella! And please, I've told you a million times, just call me Amy.”

Chris Biersack met Arella with a hug too. “Same as me. Just call me Chris.”

Arella smiled sheepishly. They had told her a lot of times, but she still couldn't remember to just call them by their first names.

“We're gonna be in the den.” Andy told his parents before leading Arella to the den.

“So what were you going to show me?” Arella asked.

From behind the couch in the den, Andy pulled out an acoustic guitar. “A new song I just finished.” he said and grinned.

She smiled. She loved how passionate Andy was about music; just like her. He was even in a band. He had formed it two years ago and was the lead singer. Seeing him live was amazing. He would just get lost in the song. His band's name was Black Veil Brides. They were pretty popular among the rock lovers in Cincinnati and had even gained some fame throughout the country, thanks to the internet. They had a few songs like A Devil For Me, Hello My Hate, We Stitch These Wounds, Sex & Hollywood, This Prayer For You, and The Gunsling. Him being in a band was actually how they met. Her friend had took them to one of the small shows they were playing in a venue down town and they met Andy and the other band members. She and Andy had instantly clicked and became friends. But over time, they finally admitted their feelings for each other and had started dating.

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