Dug is a Fish

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    Dug lives in water because he is a fish. He cannot leave or he will suffocate on oxygen. Dug woke up one morning with his 302 siblings, the sun beams exploded in the water and warmed his deep green scales. He swam out of the mud hole he built in his river home. Dug saw a frenzy of fish by the dock, when he swam over he saw a beautiful worm, just floating there in the water. The other cautious fish were startled when Dug flipped his fins and attached himself to the worm. Suddenly there was a pull and splashing. Above the water he heard screams of joy from children and laughing of hyenas.
    Dug's heart pumped, the water slipped of his body as he couldn't breath anymore. The water leaked out of his gills. He was laced on the wooden dock and these two kids took him to eat some fried chicken and oreos and pineapples. Then, he grew legs and arms, and large eyes. He took a chair and smashed someone's face in because he had naquired super strength, along with all other super powers. He was better than superman so he built a treehouse to live in.

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