Winter day

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I woke up the next morning feeling a little more refreshed. I still felt relatively groggy from the hangover the day before. Although, needless to say, Nina was far from wrong about that McDonald's; it really did do the trick.

I looked over towards my window and smiled at the sunlight protruding through my white curtains. It was February in New York and we hadn't had any real warm sun in a long time. It was the type of winter day where there was still frost and clouds in the sky but the sun made everything glisten and sparkle. The kind of day that made you know that spring was coming.

I rolled back over and stretched my entire body, reaching my hands and feet towards every corner of my four post bed. I switched position again, yawning as I swung my legs round and sat up, stretching my arms in the air. I combed a hand through my matted dark hair and turned to look at my phone. It read two missed calls and a text from Adam. I must have slept through them, oops.

Morning, Miss Red. Hope your still not sore from the other night, I know I am. 😂

I cringed and giggled at the laughing emoji on the end; I carried on reading.

So, I was thinking that since its your day off today, that we should go for breakfast, at The Golden Beverage, of course. And then, maybe, go to the zoo or something. Let me know xx

I smiled at the idea.

I really liked the zoo, my mum used to take me there all the time, when I was little. When my sister started going to school, she started calling it 'Ruby Time' however when I  joined school as well, my mum started using her extra time to do more work. I guess that's where I get my motivation from; she always worked so hard to give me and my sister the best possible chance in life.

I replied.

Zoo sounds good. What time should I meet you for breakfast? X

I set my phone down and slid my slippers on, after setting my feet down on the stone cold floor, I decided that was a good idea. Seconds later, my phone buzzed again.

No need. I'm about 15 mins from your building now. Xx

I froze, eyes wide.

"Shit! Fuck." I said to myself, hurriedly grabbing my hair brush from my night stand and brushing my slightly wavy dark hair, shoving it into a ponytail.

I rushed over to my wardrobe and threw on some straight white trousers and a grey spaghetti strap crop top. On top, I wore a cropped grayish fur coat to keep warm. I slipped on some black sock boots and spritzed myself six times with my favorite perfume. I also decided to opt for a dainty pair of reflective sunglasses too, due to the look of the sun outside.

Quickly, I ran to my bathroom and brushed and flossed my teeth. I applied some concealer, bronzer, mascara to my face and topped it off with some soft pink lipstick; I didn't wear foundation, making the few freckles around my nose visible through the slight concealer.

I picked up a pair of silver hoop earrings and put them in just as I heard a knock at my door.

"Hey, Miss Red." Adam smiled widely as he walked in.

He wore a dark suede bomber jacket with a baby pink hoodie underneath. He had slightly faded black jeans on and, on his feet, he wore timberland boots. He had on a pair of round reflective sunglasses on, as well, that just about covered his bright blue eyes.

"Hey to you too. You shouldn't have just barged in like that you know, I could have been naked." I smirked and turned around to grab my chain strapped purse.

"That's what I was hoping for." Adam smirked back, moving slightly closer.

"Well, sorry, darling. But you just missed it." I slung my bag over my shoulder with a wink and brushed passed him to open my door, grabbing my keys along the way.

Adam followed close behind with a grin. He and I slipped through the door. I locked it and we made our way to the glistening street.

As I stepped out the entrance to my building, a fresh icy breeze hit my face, blowing my hair back behind me. I stole a look to my left and watched as the wind hit Adam's face softly.  The cool wind woke me up as I noticed the thickness of the eyelashes that covered his closed eyes.

"How are you today?" Adam asked as we took a left down my street.

We walked in sync towards The Golden Beverage and I couldn't quite put my finger on it but it felt like warm treacle was spreading through my body from my heart to the very tips of my fingers, giving me a small, and very unprofessional, spring in my step.

"I'm alright, my heads still a little sore but I'm sure I'll survive." I said with a smile. "How are you?" I asked.

He tilted his head downwards and chuckled as he shook his head before answering with, "I'm okay, Miss Red. I'm okay." The way he repeated his words almost as if he was trying to convince himself of something.

I paused for a second and looked at him as he held his gaze to the path in front of us.

"Good, good..." I trailed off, not knowing what to say next.

"It's nice to see you again, Ruby." My heart fluttered violently inside my chest when he said my name. "I mean, obviously, you don't know me and I don't know you but you take my mind off things, make me happy or at least you are for the time being." He chuckled again, this time lighter, but still kept his gaze in front of us. As he said this, I found my hand intertwining itself with his as we walked and I looked up at his face. "Just don't go breaking my heart now, Ruby Red." Finally, he turned his head towards me and on his face he wore a cheeky lighthearted grin.

The one that fit his face perfectly, suited him, belonged on him; unlike the other expression, that left me lost for words. And not in a good way.

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