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Ayano screamed. Budo smiled at her with an insane look. "This is for everyone you've kidnapped and tortured. Now, we can do this your way or the Masuta way." He said as he pulled a sharp, rusted blade out of his pocket. "Hah. I know you couldn't hurt me!" Ayano said leaning forward. Budo laughed as he approached her. "Oh, I have a psycho side." He said as he stabbed her hands with the blade. She screamed in pain. He slowly pulled it out and shoved it back in again. Tears went down her face. "Oh, don't cry, Aya." He said as he put his hand to her face. He then punched her in the jaw. She screamed. "No ones coming for you." He said as he smiled and walked upstairs.


It was Saturday. Budo, Oka and Ryuto were going around town being stupid. "Hey, where should we go?" Oka said as they walked out of his house. "THE PARK!" Ryuto screamed. Budo laughed. He then said "Walk or drive?" "DRIVE!" They all yelled. "Ok, hold on I'm gonna go get my keys." He walked inside and grabbed car keys. His mother smiled at him, he smiled back. They all ran to the car "SHOTGUN!!!!!!" Oka yelled as they got in "Hey! No fair!!" Ryuto pointed at her as he got in the back. Then they drove off. It was quite long ride. Oka turned the radio on. Budo laughed. "Hey Budo, should we go get your GIIIRLFRIEEEEENNDD!!??" Ryuto said as Oka laughed. "Fine. OFF TO MEI'S!!" Budo yelled as they turned a corner. "THIS IS MY JAAM!" Oka yelled as a song played on the radio. They all screamed and turned it up. "Ew Oka I didn't know you like 80s songs." Ryuto said as Budo laughed. "We all love this song!" They all said. Then started screaming the song "TAKE THE PRESSURE DOWN!" they yelled, "CUZ I CAN FEEL IT! ITS RISING LIKE A STORM!!!!" (I'm gonna skip till the songs over.) Budo stopped the car in front of a white house with a small garden out the front. They got out and knocked on the door. "HEY MEI!!!" Ryuto screamed. Mei laughed then looked at Budo twirling the keys. "Wanna go be weird in town?" He asked her. Mei nodded and giggled as they got back in "I've said this before... SHOT GUN!" Oka yelled. They got back in and started driving. They passed Pippi's house and stopped, Pippi got in. "Almost the whole gang!" Pippi laughed as they drove off. From there it was silent. Budo broke the silence by saying "we're here!" They got out and stared at the field of grass with some trees. (The park was very plain) Pippi then slapped Ryuto on the shoulder and said. "TAG! YOU'RE IT!" They ran as Ryuto chased them. Budo hid behind a tree. Oka his behind the same tree "should I make a run for it?" She asked him, "I DARE you too. I will too." He replied. Then they counted from three and ran across the field. Oka screamed as Ryuto caught her. Then Oka grabbed Budo by the shirt and whispered in his ear, "You're it." Budo then made an intense face. "LISTEN UP! BUDO BOI IS IT!!! YOU BETTER RUN PEASANTS!!!!!! OR IM GONNA KILL YA!!!!!!" He yelled as he ran in circles. His fists in the air. Mei screamed and hid. Budo circled the tree she was at. "Looks like someone's unlucky." He said leaning forward. She blushed. "You're it." He said. She tried to run but he pinned her to the tree and kissed her deeply. She blushed and kissed him back. He let her run. He sat on the grass with his legs crossed as he watched the game. Then he remembered back to when he and Oka first met the gang... Info-Chan, Info-Kun, Hayato, Shin, Kaga, Ryuto, Asu, Taro, Kokona, Mei, Ryusei, Pippi.

~le flashback~

Kindergarten. Budo's first day. He and Oka were so excited. Once they got there Budo ran to a boy with green hair and introduced himself "HI! IM BUDO MASUTA!!!!" He would say and did the same with the other kids. Same with Oka. They were friends ever since that day and still were all best friends.

~le flashback end~

While Budo was watching his friends, his phone buzzed, it was a text from unknown number:


BudoOfTheMasutas: Hellooo info- chan

Unknown Number: boi wot is u doing?

BudoOfTheMasutas: I thought yu were stalking us info you should know.


Unknown Number: well today I'm not stalking, my friend besides the fact that I'm in ur closet and know that if ur gonna keep ayano in le basement hurry up and kill her or something BOI.

Budo put his phone down. 'God, Info can be annoying at times' he thought to himself. He looked at the time: 6:56PM. Meh. Maybe he could stay till seven... Mei ran up to him and sat down beside him. "Hey." "Hi." Mei leant her head on the side of his shoulder. He smiled and kissed her forehead. After a while she looked up at him to see his face in his hands."What's wrong?" She asked. "Nothing. Just tired." He lied. She smiled. Then he pulled her into a hug and she rested her head in his chest. "Hey have you seen Ayano lately?" "Uh, no. I haven't." 

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