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It's after six months of dating that Kihyun finally allows Hoseok to drink from him for the first time.

They're at the park, and it's well past midnight, and they're sitting all alone together on the grass. They're way out past the fountains, the walking paths, the playground, the picnic spots, the benches, the bike trails, way out near the woods, where the grass is wide-open, no human structures in sight, just trees and flowers and a deep night sky splashed with stars.

It's a well-known spot in the city for lovers, so it's fortunate that they're the only ones there tonight, everything around them quiet and empty save for the soothing sound of the crickets and the rustling breeze. Kihyun feels small and safe with Hoseok at his side, one arm protectively slung around Kihyun's shoulder, his hand running gently up and down Kihyun's arm as Kihyun snuggles up close to Hoseok's side. The air is cool and pleasant, refreshing and magnificent as it goes through the lungs, and the full, crystal moon shines down bright, fireflies glimmering all around them even this late in the year.

They're both dressed in light, loose clothing and upon finding the perfect spot, had sat down together and removed their shoes and socks to feel the soft grass on their toes. A few feet away lies their pile of belongings that they had brought with them, blankets and pillows and things, as they had planned to sleep there tonight and awake tomorrow morning to the sunrise.

They had originally gone there together to stargaze, arrived just as the sun was setting. It had been Kihyun's idea, as Kihyun took an interest in astronomy and enjoyed sitting there all curled up with Hoseok, telling him all about the different stars and planets, the stories behind them and their rich history, and Hoseok enjoyed listening, holding Kihyun close even as he paid more attention to Kihyun himself than what Kihyun was actually saying. After all, Hoseok was an ancient being; he had already heard all of the stories. And, of course, Hoseok's real star was right here on Earth, sitting right beside him in the grass.

Somewhere in the middle of Kihyun's ongoing lecture, Hoseok stops listening entirely and starts nuzzling at Kihyun's cheek, the light brushes of his nose soon giving way to soft, sweet, barely-there kisses. Kihyun keeps talking as Hoseok's mouth ghosts down his jawline and one of Hoseok's hands, the one not around Kihyun's shoulder, creeps up underneath Kihyun's shirt to rest on his warm, bare belly, to knead at the soft skin. Hoseok's hand is ice cold, it always is, but his touch sends heat through Kihyun's body even as Kihyun shivers at the contact.

But Kihyun always loves to tease, loves to play hard-to-get, and so he tries his best to remain focused on what he's saying, tries to ignore Hoseok's advances, but his mind gets all jumbled as Hoseok's hand starts moving up towards his chest, his fingers brushing over one of Kihyun's nipples, and Kihyun ends up giving in quickly, decides that he's done enough talking for tonight.

Hoseok watches Kihyun with loving eyes, his lips parted in anticipation as Kihyun moves out from underneath his arm and turns around, repositions himself until he's facing Hoseok and straddling his lap, looking down at him and reaching for Hoseok's face with both hands, Hoseok's skin still so cold beneath his fingertips. They stare at each other with intensity as Kihyun rubs his thumbs over Hoseok's icy cheeks, and after a pause, Kihyun closes his eyes and leans in to kiss him, Hoseok's eyes slipping closed and Hoseok letting out a quiet moan as their open lips meet.

They kiss each other hot and heavy, with passion and tenderness, Kihyun seated comfortably on Hoseok's thighs and Hoseok delicately holding on to Kihyun's waist. Even Hoseok's lips are cold to the touch, but they're so soft and so sweet against Kihyun's as they come together again and again and again, angling their faces to deepen the kisses and Hoseok running his hands up and down Kihyun's back.

Kihyun can almost hear the sizzle as one of Hoseok's cold hands slides up the back of Kihyun's shirt and makes contact with the hot skin of Kihyun's shoulder blades. Hoseok's other hand soon joins and then he's pulling Kihyun closer, and Kihyun is moaning into Hoseok's mouth as their chests touch and Hoseok starts to lean backwards. Kihyun follows, and soon enough, Hoseok is lying on his back in the grass with Kihyun on top of him, Hoseok's hands still squeezing at the skin beneath Kihyun's shirt and Kihyun's hands still cradling Hoseok's face, the two of them still kissing like they'll never stop.

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