Chapter I: Pussy...cats

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"She's got her red dress on tonight, dancing in the dark in the pale moonlight"

Lauren lay awake at 2am blasting her queen, Lana Del Rey's, Summertime Sadness through her headphones. 'Summertime Sadness indeed', she thought. You see, it was the last day of Summer vacation tod- yesterday she realised as she glanced at her clock, and instead of being the responsible adult she is, she decided to not sleep tonight.Well, she would go to sleep but her sky high anxiety was making it only slightly difficult.

Suddenly she heard a cat scream-meow and rolled her eyes.

Damn cat. If you wake Mom up we'll both be dead.

She sighs and decides to go get her cat before the noises wake up her mother, otherwise she'd have two cat fights on her hands. She slowly gets up, stretching, and removes her headphones, already missing the soothing beat. She slips on a blue Miami Sharks hoodie over her tank top. She walks over to her door and pulls on her unicorn slippers, which were as old as time itself, like seriously they were some dusty ass slippers. Of course, her mom, Clara, being the perfectionist she is, tried to throw them out countless times. "They're practically useless Lauren" "You'd have more protection if you didn't wear any shoes at all" Lauren shook her head softly as she made her way to the back door. She unlocked it with a soft click and quietly slipped out. To say the view was unusual was an understatement.

There she was in all her glory perched atop the tall white fence. She wore a paper Burger King crown on her brown hair and blue butterfly wings were attached to her back. The moonlight shimmered against her hair as wide chocolate eyes stared right back at Lauren. She was shook. Lauren was filled with bewilderment and curiousity. She snapped out of her daze when she realised the strange girl had hopped down into her garden. She finally remembered why she was here and she can say with certainty that the cats were not fighting.

'Dragon!', the small teenager whisper-yelled, 'We talked about this' she said with a pleading tone, completely ignoring Lauren's existence. She walked over to her black cat and scooped it up into her arms. 'If you're pregnant, Mom's gonna kill me', she muttered as she trudged over to the fence and started to clamber over it. Lauren had a billion questions but she stupidly asked the least important one.


The teenager paused, the cat still cradled in her arms.

'Why is it called Dragon?'

The girl looked at her incredulously, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. Her cat however, very rudely looked at Lauren with a bored expression. Lauren restrained herself from sticking her tongue out at the animal.

'Because she isn't one.' And with that she hopped back over the fence and disappeared as quickly as she'd arrived.

The black haired Latina walked over to TicTac, who had a look of satisfaction on his face, and picked him up.

'C'mon you little player'

He meowed happily in her arms. After she locked up she made her way to her room and set TicTac down. She flicked off her lights and climbed under her covers. She lay down and thought back on the last 10 minutes. There were countless thoughts racing around her head but one was the most prominent;


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